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Hi. I'm Jeff & I'm a hypocrite!

Yep, been on the tallow bandwagon for a bit now, fully convinced it is the end-all experience. Yes, I really enjoy my tallow soaps (Tabac, MWF, AOS Lemon) & even got to the point where I wouldn't consider buying other types. But recently I picked up the SRD Bulgarian Rose (which is amazing), a B&B member PIF'ed me some mamabear Indian Tobacco (finished it this AM), I traded for L'occitane Cade soap (another solid performer), I went into the well & pulled out my old Ogallala soap earlier this week (luxurious experience) & just recieved C&E Sienna from a trade here with a member (haven't used it yet, but smells wonderful).

This morning's shave with the indian tobacco & a Shark blade was outstanding & got me thinking how much I've enjoyed my glycerine based soaps & how I've been selling myself short on great products all due to being a soap snob. So, I'm not saying I won't be a hypocrite any longer as I'm far too good at it to give it up now, but I will re-embrace the glycerine & shae & other based soaps if i find i enjoy them. The End
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Way to go Jeff!

are you primarily shaving with a DE or a Straight?

Mostly with My 40's Superspeed but getting better with my Shavette & the wife picked up a vinage straight which I have yet to send for honing but am dying to give a whirl.
Mostly with My 40's Superspeed but getting better with my Shavette & the wife picked up a vinage straight which I have yet to send for honing but am dying to give a whirl.

i ask because it seems that some straight users prefer a little bit more cushion than the DE user... and i certainly would fall into that camp.

if you would like me to hone up your razor shoot me a PM, i would be happy to do it free of charge.
Matt, Neither I had, I also forgot to add Boar brushes as another example of overblown. You should go by Big Papi is a juicer thread :thumbup:
There are nice glycerin soaps, tallow soaps and some things are overblown:
Kobe beef, Derby blades and the Yankees in the Bronx :rolleyes:


Only a Bostonian could pull that analogy out of left field!! Do you guys ever even consider giving it a rest? It would be a lot healthier. :lol1:
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