well we know it can't be a 1942 anything because its notched center bar. from looking at the wiki I would say its a 1967 slim adj. in gold. Even if he was only asking $19.90 its not in that good of shape.
well we know it can't be a 1942 anything because its notched center bar. from looking at the wiki I would say its a 1967 slim adj. in gold. Even if he was only asking $19.90 its not in that good of shape.
It´s a 1967 (third quarter) Aristocrat Adjustable.
Yes, my message to him/her was as follows:
'Hi there,
What you have is a 1967 Aristocrat Slim Adjustable - http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Aristocrat#1960.27s_Aristocrat
See also the dating chart here: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/US_Gillette_Dating_Information
You will see if you search other listings that $199 is a fairly ridiculous price for this razor especially without a case and with the patina that indicates that the gold plating is worn off. You might want to do some more research and re-list.
As I said I might get flamed, or ignored or he/she might change the listing....
It´s a 1967 (third quarter) Aristocrat Adjustable.