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Here's a real cheat on E Bay

Earlier when I looked he had 3 people who made offers and he declined them. They must have been really low offers. Oh, and one other thing, he states that it has a bright green patina, which is nothing more than mold and aged corrosion.
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well we know it can't be a 1942 anything because its notched center bar. from looking at the wiki I would say its a 1967 slim adj. in gold. Even if he was only asking $19.90 its not in that good of shape.
well we know it can't be a 1942 anything because its notched center bar. from looking at the wiki I would say its a 1967 slim adj. in gold. Even if he was only asking $19.90 its not in that good of shape.

1967 Slim in Gold is an Aristocrat. Not that great shape, as noted, and without case. A long way from being worth the asking.
well we know it can't be a 1942 anything because its notched center bar. from looking at the wiki I would say its a 1967 slim adj. in gold. Even if he was only asking $19.90 its not in that good of shape.

I'd buy it for $19.90 :biggrin1:

. . . but I agree with your point you were making and am just being a bit of a smart-aleck. It's just I've never had a Gold slim and I want it!:blink:
OK so we all know that the listing is wrong - have we told the seller?

I know that sometimes it gets thrown back in your face but other times, the majority in my experience, if you give people the links the back it up they change the listing of the 'Fatboy' to a 196X Slim Adustable :lol:

Would we have been making the same comments if the razor was a 1903 Double Ring in a mint case with all the accessories? Imagine that being described as 1st World War - what a rude seller! :blink:

I'm trying not to have a go at anybody BTW and jump on the judgement horse myself and I know that there ARE some cheats on the 'Bay. I've sent him/her a question pointing out the error. Maybe he throws it back in my face, maybe not...
It´s a 1967 (third quarter) Aristocrat Adjustable.

Yes, my message to him/her was as follows:

'Hi there,

What you have is a 1967 Aristocrat Slim Adjustable - http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Aristocrat#1960.27s_Aristocrat
See also the dating chart here: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/US_Gillette_Dating_Information

You will see if you search other listings that $199 is a fairly ridiculous price for this razor especially without a case and with the patina that indicates that the gold plating is worn off. You might want to do some more research and re-list.


As I said I might get flamed, or ignored or he/she might change the listing....
I don't think he knows the market value of vintage items. Look at his other auctions, like a Superspeed for 79 without a case or anything else that would normally go for 20 dollars here on the boards, and Ebay for that matter.
Yes, my message to him/her was as follows:

'Hi there,

What you have is a 1967 Aristocrat Slim Adjustable - http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Aristocrat#1960.27s_Aristocrat
See also the dating chart here: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/US_Gillette_Dating_Information

You will see if you search other listings that $199 is a fairly ridiculous price for this razor especially without a case and with the patina that indicates that the gold plating is worn off. You might want to do some more research and re-list.


As I said I might get flamed, or ignored or he/she might change the listing....

I told him basically the same thing last night but never got any answer back. And the listing was not changed.
He probably won't change it. It says he revised the listing on Jul 4th of this year. Its been listed for a while, probably for $199 the whole time.

This is the place where I was watching a Red Tip that eventually went for $77 + shipping. It wasn't even cased. Then again I snagged what appears to be one in fairly good shape for $17 shipped last night, so I guess it depends who is watching.
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