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Herban Cowboy brush

I have never forgotten to pack a shave brush when traveling, until recently. I forgot to pack a brush and had to search for one. I bought the first one I came across to use for a few days. It was a Herban Cowboy, marked down to $2.99.

Since, I've read a lot of negative reviews. However, it worked better than expected for me. It only lost a few hairs the first time I used it. I used a soap and lather bowl. It held water just fine and
worked up a great lather. It did a pretty good job painting on the lather. However, the smell was awful the entire time I used it.

This brush will not make into my rotation, but it was more than adequate for an emergency stand in.

Just my 2 cents on a cheap brush...
Thanks for the mini-review. Saw one tonight at a local grocery store and thought about picking it up.
This was the brush I bought when I thought I wanted to start shaving with a straight 6 or 7 years ago. It worked fine, in my opinion.
Having bought a few more brushes in the last year since I started DE shaving (Vintage Blades Rooney 3/1 in Pure, Omega 10049 boar, Omega Might Midget mixed, and an Omega 636 Lucretia Borgia Silvertip), I can understand not using it as a primary brush for long. But, for a beginner brush when someone is trying wet shaving out, or when money is really tight, it does the job. It makes lather and puts it on your face. Basic job done.
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