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Henson razor opinions?

I remember you tried the Mamba and other relatively mild razors, for what did you decide in the end, if I may ask? Just curious! :)
Yes, I tried the Mamba 53 and 70 and Henson.

I reluctantly came to the conclusion that I like the SE Twig the best. It's smoother than the other three while being more efficient. I don't know how it's possbile but that's how it is. Trying out the other razors I realized just how good the Twig is for me.

I have a RR BBS incoming, and the Thorn, which is the slightly more aggressive version of the Twig. I bought the Thorn out of curiosity.
I will also likely buy the Taiga when released, the assumption being that a $200 razor simply must be better than a $60 razor (Twig). But "objectively" speaking the Twig is remarkably good for me, and because of that it's hard to justify more purchases at this point.
I ordered a red mild for my wife. I am going to try it out when I get it. The razors I currently use will give me a good enough shave after two passes, so I am interested to see how the Henson does. I know I could get a better shave, but the cost on my skin might be more than I want to pay. I would love to believe that the Henson medium would be a great alternative for me. If so, I'll save my pennies and get a Ti model.
I got the Henson (aluminum) in medium because my father, who had only ever used cartridges, went in for a mild Henson after hearing me talk for so long about DE, SE, and SR shaving.

Without any preconceived notions, I thought it was a very good razor. It’s efficient, though maybe a little less efficient than other razors. I had success, even if a little rough, going ATG. I found that I got a very good shave with a Feather and Personna blades, too. It’s the only razor that makes my feather blades bearable for me.

It’s also my travel razor because I won’t have any concerns about cuts and it’s not as expensive as my other razors, so I won’t mind if anything happens. I’ve also used it for body shaving (I am prone to folliculitis that requires trips to the hospital) and it has been outstanding in that regard.

The ability to just hold it flat against your face and go is appealing. In fact, it reminds me a bit of the Blackland Blackbird in terms of technique to me, and that is one of my favorite and best performing razors. Just my 2 cents.
I ordered a red mild for my wife. I am going to try it out when I get it. The razors I currently use will give me a good enough shave after two passes, so I am interested to see how the Henson does. I know I could get a better shave, but the cost on my skin might be more than I want to pay. I would love to believe that the Henson medium would be a great alternative for me. If so, I'll save my pennies and get a Ti model.
I ordered a red mild for my wife as well and she used it for two months but prefers a razor with more blade exposure so she’s using my vintage Gillette 195.
I use a EJ DE89 and a Game Changer .68-P daily. I wonder which one for myself?
I'd say the Medium. In my experience, it is more efficient than either the DE89 or the GC .68 (I've owned both), and also more comfortable, and more intuitive to use.
I would love to believe that the Henson medium would be a great alternative for me.
I think it very well could be. Try out your wife's Mild and you'll get the feel for the Henson, which is really unlike any other DE I have tried. If you like that feel, but want just a bit more blade feel and efficiency, the Medium is your ticket.
Red Henson Box.JPG

Well, it came. Here is the box it came in.
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Well, I just had a shave after swimming and then taking a warm shower. There is a bit of a learning curve with this razor in that I have to keep the head flat on my face with the angle of the head. I kept wanting to default back to my normal position I use with my other razors. Therefore, I have a few tender spots on my face and neck, but nothing like I would have had with a regular DE razor holding it wrongly. I got zero cuts and zero little weepers. The shave was spotty. This was my fault because, again, the learning curve. I made three passes using the supplied Astra blade. I got as good a shave as I would have gotten with a disposable multi-blade razor, but not as good as with my DE89 and Game Changer 84. Of course, this is for my wife. Both Henson and my B&M recommend a medium for my beard. Overall, not a bad shave, but there is a re-learning curve, I guess one might say. I will have to use it again. Not too bad of a shave, but the razor needs a little extra umph for my beard. I like it enough that I am going to buy a medium next month. Now, what color?

One more thing I want to clear up. If the razor is held wrongly you know it because you can feel the blade raking across your face and it doesn't cut well. If you hold it correctly it feels like there is no blade at all and it cuts really well.
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Yeah, when I matched up the angle of the heads there was at least a 10* difference between the Henson and my other razors. It might have been a little more. I did not measure it, but when lining up the shaving angles of the heads it is obvious. With the Henson I have to learn to hold the razor in a new angle.

Now, what Henson needs to do is come out with a stainless steel version.


I tried many many premium razors like Wolfman, CG, Carbon, H&S, Tatara, Paradigm, Blackland, Rocnel etc. and some razors not mentioned much like Seygus, Smart Helix. Henson is one of the best modern razors I've ever tried, better than most of razors mentioned above for me.
I agree, that would be a beautiful thing. In the meantime, if you're feeling flush, there is the titanium. I haven't gone there (yet).
That would cost an arm and a leg. I can't see my doing that, at least not yet. Next month I am going to buy a medium from my local seller. If that works out, I may start saving my pennies for the Ti.
I got my new medium Henson in blue, today.

I had a day and a half growth of beard on my face. I lathered up with some Edwin Jagger lime and pomegranate shaving soap. I put in an Astra blade that was supplied with the razor. The first thing I noticed was that this medium had a lot more blade feel than the standard that I bought for my wife. I made one pass and rinsed off. I was completely surprised. I knew it was taking off the whiskers, but I was really unprepared for just how well it did. I could have let it go right there and been happy enough for an office shave. I lathered up, again, and made a pass against the grain of my whiskers. When I finished, I put some Thayer's Original Witch Hazel with Aloe on my face, dried off, and then I put just the smallest dab of Barrister and Mann's Barrister's Reserve Cool aftershave balm on my face. I mixed it in with a little Rosken lotion because it is pretty strong, but nice. It is ice cold and felt good in this heat. Feeling my face I was shocked that in two passes I had gotten a baby butt smooth shave. I actually had two weepers, very small, but no cuts. It had shaved me super close and in two passes did what normally takes me three to do. I would put the razor at the same aggression as a Game Changer .84P, but more efficient.

I got a really nice shave. My wife's, which is milder, gave me a nice shave, but this one was much better.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I tried many many premium razors like Wolfman, CG, Carbon, H&S, Tatara, Paradigm, Blackland, Rocnel etc. and some razors not mentioned much like Seygus, Smart Helix. Henson is one of the best modern razors I've ever tried, better than most of razors mentioned above for me.

I'll keep that in mind. It's quite a comparison.

People say the Henson is similar in feel and performance to The Winning Razor. I had that Yates-made razor. It was used once and giving to a grandson. Wasn't wild about it, but thought it a good razor. Otherwise wouldn't have given it to someone I love. It had a lot of drag but felt mild enough and was effective enough for me to think he might like it.

The other anti-selling point with the Henson is the handle. It's too long and too thin. For me.

Doesn't mean I won't one day buy one and put it on another handle. If I do I'll be strongly influenced by your comparison review.

You did say most of the razors mentioned. Which of the razors mentioned do you consider better than the Henson?

Happy shaves,

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