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Help With Embellishments

Hey guys, I am restoring an 8/8 Fromm Red Head and I am wanting to use the original embellishments. There are 2 "crowns" for the ends of the scales and a circular "FROMM" logo. I am trying to figure out the best way to put them on the scales and since this is my first try figured I should ask and rely on other's experience rather than trying to learn from my own mistakes...

Is there any advice you guys can give me on utilizing the original embellishments? In the pic below it is the razor on bottom (ya know, the one with the embellishments ;)), and if it makes any difference the new scales are candy apple red acrylic; figured that was fitting for a Red Head, right? By the way, the embellishments are off the old scales and buffed and ready to go...

The Dubl Duck above the Fromm will be the next project.

(How the hell did I end up with over 30 straights when I bought my first in July?)

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Well, I wasn't sure what to do but I'm a narrow-minded and had some time to work on the scales today so here's what I did, let me know if it was wrong/right please!

I only did the round logo this way, not sure how to do the crowns still or if I'll recess them at all...

I traced the outline of the circle and took a dremel and ground a little recess for the logo and put a drop of CA, placed the logo and then finished with CA like I would grain in wood. I have the final layer drying now and then I'll sand it down and buff to show how it turned out. I like CA finishes but sometimes you get a cloudy effect even when it cures is still air. Of course it went cloudy lower than the level of the logo so I couldn't sand it away. Oh well, for my first set of acrylic scales I'm pretty happy with how they're coming along so far.

Thank heavens for buffing machines!

I'll post pics once I finish the logo...
Well these pics look like crap! I swear it looks a lot better in hand... I'm really glad the 3rd pin is in the right spot and is functional. With an 8/8 blade I was worried I would have to make monster scales. I would have used the original scales as a template but when I was removing the embellishments in acetone they fell in my can and I couldn't get them out until they were a sticky mass on the bottom... Oh well.

Anyway, here are some pics of where I'm at so far. They are not pinned, just have the pins in there as a test fit. I also have not done anything to apply the crown embellishments to the scales yet, I still don't know what to do.

Apparently I didn't seat the round logo flush because as I was sanding down the CA I sanded off a chunk of the logo... :mad:

Any help at applying the crowns would be greatly appreciated! Also, I don't know if this is the right place to ask but I was wondering if somebody could help me determine the price of this once completed? Just trying to figure out what a fair price for this particular razor should be...


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