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Help, what did I buy?



I have been looking for a safety razor for a while, and today I scored, big time.

I found these six razors, but I really don't know what I have here. The one in the box with blades seems basically new. The one in the box on the other side is the same razor, but used. The three in the middle are similar, but the one in the plastic box seems "beefier" than the other two. Finally I have what seems like the same razor as the new one, only gold.


I don't need six razors. I've never even shaved with a safety razor before. My dad wants one to trim his sideburns when he is here, and I want to keep one or two. If the one in the box is valuable, I'd be happy to sell it here.

How did I do? Which should I keep? Are any of them worth selling? Any advice is appreciated.


I'd keep the slim and gold tech. I would suggest shaving with the fatboy and the slim though. If you really like the fatboy more keep it as it is a great collectible as well as a good shaver and also happens to be worth a bunch of money too and you may one day regret selling it. Awesome haul enjoy.
Of them all, the FatBoy in the case is worth the most, then the 2 Slims, then the Tech in the box with the blades then the gold Tech, and then the Tech in the Sheriton case. You might get more for the Sheriton case than what's in it. I wold keep them all, and learn to wet shave with them. Many a collection has started with less than what you have there. You scored well today. As was said prior to clean them soak in hot water and dish soap. Then scrub with an old toothbrush. DO NOT BOIL the adjustable razors, it could ruin them. There are tiny plastic parts in some FatBoys and Slims. Hot tap water works well with a little Dawn dish detergent. Soak, scrub, repeat as necessary. Then you can polish the Silo doors with any suitable metal polish to finish them off. Nice score, keep 'em and stick around. You will love the B&B community, it's a lot of fun.
Good luck and enjoy.
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