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Help mounting a shelf

So I was planning on buying a new shelf to mount on the wall in the bathroom and was looking for some help. I also bought a small 12inch three individual ledge shelf thing that was on clearance at Target. I was wondering how to mount it to drywall if the mounting brackets don't align with the studs behind the wall? I tried using the plastic screws to mount one of the ledges to the wall and it didn't turn out so good and now I just have a pencil sized hole in my wall. Sorry I don't have pictures, you would laugh at my attempt and lack of skill. Any ideas?
molly bolts would probably hold it pretty well. They are a regular bolt, but instead of a nut, they have a spring loaded set of "wings." You will need to drill a fairly large hole.

There is also a plastic version of the molly bolt. drill the hole and screw in a plastic sleeve, then screw the actual bolt into the sleeve, while tightening this bolt the sleeve is pulled to create a set of "wings" inside the drywall.

Almost any hardware store and certainly the box home improvement stores have a variety of fasteners that will do what you want. Many of these products have weight ratings printed right on the package. Be sure to get a size that will not only support the shelf and what you put on it, but one that will the drywall thickness that you have.
Use regular plastic drywall anchors. Make sure you use the right size screw for the anchor, and make sure you drill the right size hole. In my experience, the weight ratings they give you are garbage. They must use cement board instead of gypsum board or something.
It's not so much the anchors that hold the weight, it's the wall material. Those same plastic anchors in concrete block will hold up hundreds of pounds. I've actually had experiences where the plastic anchors will hold more weight than toggle bolts, due to the way the weight is distributed on the surface of the wallboard.

Just get two 2x4's, screw them to the studs, and screw the shelves to the 2x4's :lol:
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