I'm about 5 days into using a straight, migrating from SE razors (GEM damaskeene, ever ready streamline). So far... pretty good. I'm able to do a good WTG pass on the entire right side of my face, neck and chin except parts of the upper lip. Doing this feels very comfortable, and I have no doubt my technique will improve without slicing myself to bits.
The non-dominant (left) side of my face is still a problem. I'm shaving it, I'm trying, I'm not cutting myself too badly, but I'm having a hard time getting the proper angle, and a good clean stroke. I'm still tentative, which is a problem that I will eventually overcome, but I'm also just not as 'strong' or sure handed.
For the time being, I'm doing my best with the left hand, and I just follow up on the left side with my SE.
I'm looking for tips on how to improve my non-dominant stroke. Should I try using the SE with my left hand to train it? Are there co-ordination exercises to try? Should I try writing with my left hand to improve ambidexterity? Has anyone happened upon a good method to improve the non-dominant side?
Any help would be much appreciated!
The non-dominant (left) side of my face is still a problem. I'm shaving it, I'm trying, I'm not cutting myself too badly, but I'm having a hard time getting the proper angle, and a good clean stroke. I'm still tentative, which is a problem that I will eventually overcome, but I'm also just not as 'strong' or sure handed.
For the time being, I'm doing my best with the left hand, and I just follow up on the left side with my SE.
I'm looking for tips on how to improve my non-dominant stroke. Should I try using the SE with my left hand to train it? Are there co-ordination exercises to try? Should I try writing with my left hand to improve ambidexterity? Has anyone happened upon a good method to improve the non-dominant side?
Any help would be much appreciated!