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Help me pick the strop options, please!

Hello again,

so I'm nearly decided to buy this razor and strop set:


It will be my first straight set and unfortunately I'm overwhelmed by the strop options :(

I don't mind spending abother 30 or 60 bucks for some solid strop upgrade but I don't know which to choose. I know I would prefer a 3" strop but should I pick a premium I, II or maybe III buffalo one ? (I would prefer the most durable and the one that lasts me the for longest).

Also, could you advise me which back strop variation should I pick (I'm not going to use any paste for now, just plane jane dry stropping).

Thanks in advance for help!
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
try to get a practice strop first. A piece of leather only would be enough. Do not pay too much for the first strop. You will nick that strop and maybe cut it. We all do it when we start. Instead of investing in a big strop, I'd recommend a smaller/cheaper strop for now while you still look at strops.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
What he said.

Dont drop any extra money on your first strop if you can help it. You will mess it up, we all did.

Personally I would recommend a plain leather strop, possibly Latigo. 2.5" is a good width because it will get you into the good (IMO) habit of doing a slight X stroke when you are stropping. It will also be less prone to cupping and a bit cheaper for you. After you have been using it for about six months you will hopefully have gotten past most of the strop nicking and you will have a firmer idea about what you like. Then spend up.
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What he said.

Dont drop any extra money on your first strop if you can help it. You will mess it up, we all did.

Personally I would recommend a plain leather strop, possibly Latigo. 2.5" is a good width because it will get you into the good (IMO) habit of doing a slight X stroke when you are stropping. It will also be less prone to cupping and a bit cheaper for you. After you have been using it for about six months you will hopefully have gotten past most of the strop nicking and you will have a firmer idea about what you like. Then spend up.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Not sure if you already purchased the strop, but I was in the same position as you until I read a couple of posts about "The Filly" from RupRazor. At $22 it seemed like the best combination of quality and price. I'm not familiar with the latigo, but just thought I'd throw this out there.
The strops SRD sells are very similar to Tony Miller's modular design. They sell replacement leather for those strops for around $30. Add shipping, and it's in the $35-$40 range to fix the strop should you cut it. Personally, I own the "Filly" and I don't care for it too much. One bad thing about the SRD strops is that they only come in 3" and 2" varieties. I personally like 2.5". If you do go with the SRD, and you aren't too crunched for money, go with the 3". Whatever you decide to do, once you get good at stropping, there is a whole world of fabulous strops to choose from including: Kanoyama, Tony Miller, Neil Miller, SRD, Vintage Blades, Ambrose, Old Traditional, HandAmerican, and many more. Good luck, let us know what you get.

Edit: For SRD, I like the Premium IV. The Premium I is also well regarded.
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I have to agree with other posters, don't spend too much on your strop, I bought a real cheap one from the bay to start off with, and nicked it something terrible, only after a few months did I upgrade to a better strop, I would have been pretty upset if I had bought a expensive strop and wrecked it!
Yup. I am into straight razor shaving for almost 4 months. My first strop has a couple of nicks, but that has stopped now. Pretty much after the first month, I seemed to get the hang of it. As soon as I determine the $$ damage from Christmas, I plan to pick up a nice strop. So a cheaper strop to start with is the right ticket. :thumbup1:
I agree with the above to get a cheap strop to start with, I first got a cheap Dovo that I gave a really good slice at my first stropping (almost cut it in half), then I ordered a filly that I have used since, and nicked it up a little, but nothing that a little sanding can't fix.

Despite of this I have a SRD 3" red latigo on the way :blush: , simlpy because I accidentaly stumbled over it online (it's the truth), I had the money to buy it, and I figured that the relatively cheap replacement parts makes it affordable if I should damage it too bad.

Conclusion: You can buy a $22 Filly and then advance to a more expencive one, or you can buy the more expensive SRD, and replace the leather for about $30-35 when you have gotten the hang of stropping. Doesen't really matter much.
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