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Help me pick my next brush purchase!

Willing to spend up to $200...but obviously if I go that high, I need to really see differences that are over and above the other top choices. Aesthetics, in addition to performance, are also important to me. Please give your choice/recommendation out of the following and a brief justification. I have it narrowed down to:

1. Simpsons Polo 8-Super (cant get this one out of my head)
2. Simpsons Emperor 1- super
3. Saville Row-3824
4. Simpsons Persian jar-Super (very good looking and perhaps the best fit, size wize?)
5. Truefit and Hill-Super or Silvertip (since I just got some 1805 cream and am about to get the cologne as well, getting a matching brush is VERY tempting )
6. Edwin Jagger Medium Silvertip
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I've never tried any of those brushes, so my opinion probably isn't worth a whole lot. If I had to choose, I'd go for a T&H Silvertip, which is basically a Rooney.

There's quite a few selections for knot size/length, and handle shape/size/color.
What do you use now and what are the key characteristics you're looking for in a brush? Are there any attributes you want to avoid? Soaps? Creams? Face or bowl (or versatile enough for both)? Did you leave Morris & Forndran, Rooney, Shavemac & Thater off your list on purpose?
Both soaps and creams. Primarily face lather but sometimes bowl. I have a Rooney best in Burgundy that came as part of set with one of their razors. Very much like it, but want to step up I think. Also have a AOS pure badger in black. Doesn't get much use anymore. I had to narrow my list and those are the brands, as well as the designs i liked most.
I always think of the Polo, Persian Jar and Emperor as bowl lathering brushes as they have long handles.
Have you considered a Duke?
I would go for the T & H Silvertip. I nearly did, but went with the Rooney 3/1. It's a versatile brush for face or bowl lathering.

P.S. I'm a fan of that 1805 shaving cream...
Im in the same boat as you im having a hard time not buying the rooney emillion size 2 2 band in butterscotch off of vintage blades for Aestetics purposes dont know much else about it!! But its hard to go wrong with a simpson im torn!!
200.00 for a brush-------i am perfectly happy with 30 to 50 dollar. personnally i dont think any brush is worth that much, or works any better
SR 3824; I picked one up earlier this year solely on the back of the B&B Brush Wars results. At 120 bucks it was half the price of some others I was considering, Charles from QEDUSA gave great service and it's been a stellar bowl or face latherer equally competent with creams or soaps.

It's a VASTLY underrated brush IMHO; soft tips, enough backbone to rip through triple-milled soaps and a great size/shape ergonomically. Haven't lost a single bristle (that I've noticed).

By all means do your research but I was personally hesitant to invest money in some brands that get astonishingly good press despite documented variance in quality control.

(steps off soap box).
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The Emperor is a fantastic brush, as is the PJ, though I have to agree that the 3824 is the best of the bunch, having used all of the brushes on your list.
Good info guys. Keep it comin. The 3824 is winning so far. The Simpson thing might just be more of temptation based on name sake. Perhaps anyway. Although, I do love the Emperor 1 still. Polo 8 is great, but I just don't need that long of a handle, really. T&H would be great Im sure, but I do already have a Rooney...
Both soaps and creams. Primarily face lather but sometimes bowl. I have a Rooney best in Burgundy that came as part of set with one of their razors. Very much like it, but want to step up I think..

I would point you to a Rooney heritage. Excellent face brush and can be used in a bowl in a pinch

This is my 3xl (GET ONE)

Both soaps and creams. Primarily face lather but sometimes bowl. I have a Rooney best in Burgundy that came as part of set with one of their razors. Very much like it, but want to step up I think. Also have a AOS pure badger in black. Doesn't get much use anymore. I had to narrow my list and those are the brands, as well as the designs i liked most.

While not on your list, the Simpson Tulip 3 in 2-Band Super is an excellent brush and extremely versatile for either bowl or face as well as soaps & creams. It can be had for $157.50 (with the B&B discount) at WCS. The handle is not only ergonomic but has a small shelf which helps keeps the lather in place even when doing a shower shave. It's also a happy medium (52mm) between the shorter Duke (46mm) handles and the taller models like the P8 (67mm) and PJ3 (59mm). I have the PJ3 (in 2-band) and it's a wonderful brush but I use it mostly for bowl lathers so it doesn't hit the rotation as often as the Tulip. Below a few Simpsons to give some size perspective.



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Just my humble 2 ¢, at the price range you are looking I'd avoid a re-branded one, whether a shaving brush or some other high-end item, generally if you need to re-sell, a Shavemac will get more attention than a Saville Row, a Simpson more lookers than a T&H .. Think about what you want it to do - most of those you list are of the longer handled, higher lofted tribe .. the shorter ones can do cream in a bowl just fine, in my hands anyway the higher lofted jobs suffer if tasked to pick up some hard soap quickly & create a good lather on the face
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