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help me pick a future strop

im getting quite good on my vintage horsehide strop and it has fast draw

im looking for a strop abour 2.5 wide and to have a very heavy or just heavy draw im looking for about 100 dollars.

it will be a couple of months before i need it
Tony miller latigo


Contact legion, the Roo has a unique draw...though I wouldn't really call it "heavy" so it might not be what you want.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
From what I have heard Tony is offering the European Steerhide this fall instead of latigo. The draw is heavier than his horsehide, but the buffed nature of the skin allows the blade to glide over the leather like spreading butter on a 7 grain slice of bread. Its not glassy like the Notovan, not grabby like latigo, not zippy like horsehide, but just right for those that like a little more draw. I will say my broken in latigo has more draw than the steerhide, but it would be a little harder to use for a newer stropper. Draw is so hard to describe that I ended up with more strops than I need, but i still have more that I want...

Have you seen the Scrupleworks strops?


Kinda spendy at 150.00 for a 3", but unique. I only have Tony Miller strops, and can recommend them wholeheartedly.
+1 for Tony Miller - you will eventually want to own one and they are definitely a get them while you can item.

I noticed those Scrupleworks strops as well - genuine linen and really unique. We are quite fortunate at the moment to have a number of strop makers all doing something unique and not just churning out "vanilla" strops.

Very nice tho'

It is listed on the A Frames site for $126 USD + shipping....yeah shipping to Tasmania as the location of the O.P would be Cha-Ching.
Hey, life is short, never be cheap with yourself, you did not get into straight shaving to save money.....its about the total holistic experience. :lol:
After using my new Tony Miller Horsehide for a month or two, just for fun I tried my old latigo, and it was like stropping through mud.
thanx for all your help i might save for a tony miller or scrupleworks seeing as im on a budget i may wait a while to save for one or sell off a few razors
i supose i dont need such a fine strop but i will need a new strop in a few months. i might head to see what leather the have in hobart maybe a strop making project.
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