It's been a good year! Excellent in fact as far as shaving goes. What did you learn this year that helped out your straight shaves?
I learned to strop properly, a skill that was late to arrive for me......embarrassingly so. Bought a Tony Miller horse hide strop. At my age it's kinda' awkward to profess my love for an inanimate object, but I do love this strop!
I bought a brush and use it every time I shave, long over due and pretty cool.
I bought, and learned to use an Escher in my progression, before my Arks. OMG, I want to yell it from mountain tops. Perfect edges are mine, mine I tell ya'
Oh..I also fell off the wagon, HAD kicked in again. God Lord I bought 6 more Arks.....and an Escher....Take me now Lord, there is no hope!
Of course the Escher and the stropping made the most difference for me. So if you consider that my stropping was ineffective for a long time, it required frequent resharpening. I got a lot of experience re-honing all the dang time and I think I'm a pretty good honer now. If you look at it like that...even though I was stropping ineffectively, I was learning the stropping technique. Now it comes easy to me.
I thought my very first, laughable straight razor edge was wonderful. I have never experienced a professionally honed blade. I still want to try one to check out different finishers, pure curiosity. My edges are exactly what I was striving for and I pulled it off.(pride cometh before the fall) My edges are what I want and what I need. I also thought I had this all squared away 3 or 4 years ago. Since I'm uber slow on the uptake, you most will likely pick it all up much quicker than me
This seemed to be my year when many things came together for me. Thanks to all for the information you Gentlemen shared here to make this happen for me. I hope you've also found nuggets of knowledge here that changed your shaves for the better. Please share your stories. What did you learn, master, understand in a eureka moment, in the last 12 months?
I learned to strop properly, a skill that was late to arrive for me......embarrassingly so. Bought a Tony Miller horse hide strop. At my age it's kinda' awkward to profess my love for an inanimate object, but I do love this strop!
I bought a brush and use it every time I shave, long over due and pretty cool.
I bought, and learned to use an Escher in my progression, before my Arks. OMG, I want to yell it from mountain tops. Perfect edges are mine, mine I tell ya'
Oh..I also fell off the wagon, HAD kicked in again. God Lord I bought 6 more Arks.....and an Escher....Take me now Lord, there is no hope!
Of course the Escher and the stropping made the most difference for me. So if you consider that my stropping was ineffective for a long time, it required frequent resharpening. I got a lot of experience re-honing all the dang time and I think I'm a pretty good honer now. If you look at it like that...even though I was stropping ineffectively, I was learning the stropping technique. Now it comes easy to me.
I thought my very first, laughable straight razor edge was wonderful. I have never experienced a professionally honed blade. I still want to try one to check out different finishers, pure curiosity. My edges are exactly what I was striving for and I pulled it off.(pride cometh before the fall) My edges are what I want and what I need. I also thought I had this all squared away 3 or 4 years ago. Since I'm uber slow on the uptake, you most will likely pick it all up much quicker than me
This seemed to be my year when many things came together for me. Thanks to all for the information you Gentlemen shared here to make this happen for me. I hope you've also found nuggets of knowledge here that changed your shaves for the better. Please share your stories. What did you learn, master, understand in a eureka moment, in the last 12 months?