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Help me, or hold me back! Decisions, decisions...

Long story short, some visiting relations left me with a sizable mark of their appreciation for the help that I gave them while they were on holiday here in Australia.

I am struggling to decide what to do with this generosity. I am thinking of buying my first brand new straight razor. There's a B&M store in the center of town that's selling a small selection of DOVO razors and I'm wondering whether or not it's worth my while to buy one. Are they any good? If I do get it, it's at least $200. I don't want to spend that if I'm only going to get a substandard shave and razor. I also happen to know that there's an antiques shop in town that is (or was) selling a seven-piece razor set, although I'm not sure what the price is.

I am wondering what to do. Buy a single DOVO razor, or, if the price is right and if it's in good condition...buy a seven-piece set. Or maybe do nothing, and keep saving and keep the money for a rainy day.

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Save money.

I bet you'll get at least 30 responses saying to buy everything you can, but this is what I recommend.

You have two good blades already, so why get more?
What you should do is go look at all your options, including the 7-day set. Note the prices and take pictures. Then come back and post them here, so we can all express our opinions. After you've done all of that, and read our opinions, you'll know what to do. I guarantee it.
If I do decide to get another, it will probably be one of the DOVOs, so that's why I want to know if they're any good and which models are recommended. In all probability, the seven-piece set will be well outside of my range, but...just in case. IF it's still at the shop (and it probably is, stuff at that shop tends to go slowly) then I'm gonna find out what it costs today.
If it helps, I managed to pick up a 7 Day set on eBay not long ago from the early 1920's that had never been used for $200 plus postage.
I think 7 Day sets are great to have but you'll need to check the condition of the one for sale and obviously find out what the price is.
If the condition is right and the price is right, then I may just buy it. But if the condition's good and there's no way I can afford it...

*Gave the shop a bell. Looks like I'm not fast enough. Someone already bought it! Ah well...another time....
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Its was a gift so blow it all off in whatever you want that makes you feel good about what you got for yourself. Not only a seven day set is great but will always be worth some cash in the future. Just dont jump on the first set you come across but take your time finding some good quality pieces. Shop ebay during the week in the morning hours before every one is home bidding against you.
Are the razors in your avatar your razors? I am curious why you want more razors. This may seem to be a very silly question, coming from a guy who has about 8 straight razors, but really, what would a DOVO razor do that your other razors will not do?

I do agree with those who have implied that you can afford to take your time and get just what you want for this unexpected gift.
Hi Davy,

Thanks for the reply. Yes those are my two razors. I guess I'll just hold onto the money for the time being, then, until something more interesting presents itself.
Can you get the same DOVO online for cheaper?

From what I understand, all DOVO blades are the same metal wise, the differences are in the scales and blade etchings/decorations, etc.

Also, if you can hone and I believe I remember you posted you could, then you could get several vintage straights for the same $200 if you don't mind doing a little cleaning/polishing.

I only have two straights, a vintage Geneva and a new Dovo and both of them shave equally well to me.
Well I've had a look at the razors for sale at the local shave-shop and after much consideration and beat-pounding, I decided to let it slide. The razors I have at the moment are good enough and if that's fine then I don't see why I should spend more. I still think that the DOVOs look exceptionally beautiful and I may still buy one, but probably not just yet. I'll save the money for another time, or for something else.

EDIT - kg4ghn, yes I can hone my own razors. The two you see in my avatar were certainly not shave ready when I bought them. I honed them myself and they now produce excellent shaves. I almost gave up on the Double Crown (on the left), though. It was significantly harder, I reckon, to get an edge on it, but I got there in the end...
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would get something off BST...

And some nice Aftershave...
Nah, I never use Aftershave. Shaving-soap or shaving-cream, brush, hot water, scuttle, bowl and razor. That's all I use.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Nah, I never use Aftershave. Shaving-soap or shaving-cream, brush, hot water, scuttle, bowl and razor. That's all I use.

I couldn't do without the AS... Well, probably but it complete the experience IMO... However, nothing wrong with not using an AS...
I can hone and polish and clean, although some of those skills require a bit of...ehm...honing.

I can successfully hone a straight razor and strop it and shave with it. But I have troubles with polishing.

How do you folks get that mirror finish? I have a tube of simichrome paste which I use for general-purpose polishing on metal and that has worked to some extent. I've heard tell that you can also use very fine-grit sandpaper and steel-wool, both of which I have. Is that advisable?
A true mirror finish on an older razor requires several stages of polishing - how many depends on the razor's condition. The mirror finish is achieved by polishing out the scratches caused by the previous step, so you use progressively less abrasive materials. You can do this by hand, but it is very time consuming. There is a series of youtube videos that show how it can be done using a buffer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0huv9ON9_I Whatever you do, take your time and stay away from the cutting edge as much as possible.
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