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Help me chose my next brush, please chaps!

I currently have a Simpson commodore X3 which I used for bowl lathering creams. I use my Semogue 830 for face lathering creams and Cella.

I love the action of face lathering and want to do this with my next brush. I find the Semogue is plenty soft enough on my face but when I reach for my Simspon in the hope of treating my face to a bit of badger softness, I find face lathering awkward. The X3 tends to splay on my boat race and get a bit uncontrollable. I also find the X3 a bit of a lather hog!

If I had a shaving genie I would wish for a face lathering brush with decent flow through, like what I get with my 830 but in a nice badger grade that is a real treat for my face. :thumbup:

I've ruled out Kent brushes because they are potentially too floppy for my standards (I don't want to start upsetting Kent owners, but for the price I don't want to risk ending with an expensive show piece in my shave den).

I read several threads on Dukes and my interest has been peaked with these brushes. The X3 vs D3 thread and review seems a bit pointless for myself as the DE's Duke 3 looked to be a 2 band which would be out of my price range. My budget is that the brush must be under £100, I've started buying straights on the bay and need to keep my AD in check so I've limited myself to this amount.

This will be my final brush purchase.... For the next few months at least!!! :wink2:

Thanks chaps!
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I know you said kent is out, but consider the H8 in best. It's specs are 26/60 and the hair is kents best. It's got more backbone than their silver tip and a load more scritch. I haven't put mine down in three weeks. Another one to think about is the New Forest Tubby Two 2 band, 26/55 and with booth gret flow through loads of back bone and the price is good inc postage. Give Fidos ( the seller) blog a look at.
M&F 2XLs are superb and if you want a similar knot you may want to consider the Wet Shaving Products Stubby 2-bands. Both fantastic knots with great backbone and wonderful for face-lathering.
Good luck.
I know you said kent is out, but consider the H8 in best. It's specs are 26/60 and the hair is kents best. It's got more backbone than their silver tip and a load more scritch. I haven't put mine down in three weeks

How does the Kent Best hair grade compare to Simpson Best? If it is on par for softness, then I'd be interested, anything less and it wouldn't be the luxurious lathering experience I'm looking for. Thanks.
In terms of density, I found the Simpsons Eagle to shine.
I have it in Best, but the regular is Pure I think.

A Simpsons 57 is also a fantastic option, as is the Emperor 3.
Here's a pic from TSS:


It am not sure whether a SOC in two band would fit your budget?
That is a nice brush also.

It am not sure whether a SOC in two band would fit your budget?
That is a nice brush also.

That's a brush I'd completely overlooked!

Any feedback on density, flow through & softness of the SOC 2 band? I'm off to scour for reviews now, thanks!
How does the Kent Best hair grade compare to Simpson Best? If it is on par for softness, then I'd be interested, anything less and it wouldn't be the luxurious lathering experience I'm looking for. Thanks.

Well I have a Duke 2 in best, which a lot smaller than the kent. For me the Kent is better as I like a slightly scritchy feel and the H8 is kinda like a boar in that department. I find it luxurious enough for me with either creams or soaps. You do have to lather a little longer though. Dont be put of a Kent by all the floppy and mop reviews. Some times floppy is good. As I say the H8 is no mop and aint floppy. I've recently seen a guy who's got Kents on the bay for a "buy it now or best offer". I offered £25 on a Kent H4 and he asked for £35 inc postage. I didnt go with the deal but that aint bad.
Some one here mentioned the Eagle, all I can say is what a great handle. I had the G1 handle and it was plenty big enough for me.
I read several threads on Dukes and my interest has been peaked with these brushes. The X3 vs D3 thread and review seems a bit pointless for myself as the DE's Duke 3 looked to be a 2 band which would be out of my price range. My budget is that the brush must be under £100, I've started buying straights on the bay and need to keep my AD in check so I've limited myself to this amount.

A Duke 3 in best is within your budget. They cost £83 on their website. And the limited edition Duke's are £99.95.

If I had a shaving genie I would wish for a face lathering brush with decent flow through, like what I get with my 830 but in a nice badger grade that is a real treat for my face. :thumbup:

I'm a big fan of Simpson brushes and I don't think you'd regret going with a Duke but since you already have a Simpson Commodore I'd suggest considering a Truefitt & Hill Wellington, which is a rebranded Rooney 1/2 in Super badger. It hasn't got the backbone of a Simpson Duke but it has great flow through and the Super badger hair is a real treat - even more so than the Semogue 830! :biggrin1:

I find the T&H to be a great face lathering brush, and even though it hasn't got the backbone of a Simpson Duke it lathers hard soaps just as well as creams. It's also well under your budget at £55.

I have mine with the faux horn handle and it's a wonderful looking brush.

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