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Help me choose my first luxury shaving brush

With my birthday coming up, SWMBO has decided to let me pick a brush of my choice under $250. Since I dont have a single brush over $100, I am not sure which one to go for. Here is what I am looking for, so I am hoping you guys can help me pick something.

- I am mostly a soap user, but I have a few creams.
- I face or bowl lather depending on mood, but off late its been face lather.
- Would prefer very soft tips with some backbone.
- Would prefer a larger knot - 26mm or higher (my largest brush right now is 24 mm).
- Not sure about the brush density.

Based on reading the forums, it looks like the following might be good candidates:

- Thater 4125/2 two band fan
- Rooney heritage 2XL

Any other suggestions?
Either are great brushes. I own both (only size 1 on the Thater). My vote would be for the Rooney, you can bowl lather with it (or the Thater) too, I do all the time.
I'll put forward both of the Da Vinci brushes I reviewed in these threads. Both around the $100 mark



Neither are monster knoters but both are on the exceptional side as they use Turkish badger hair not Chinese badger hair

The Da Vinci brushes are intriguing, but dont they seem to be more for bowl lathering? 60 mm loft sounds a bit high.
I have a Rooney 3XL and the Thater you listed. Both great brushes. The Thater is very soft and the flow through is outstanding. It lacks backbone though. I would get it in bulb, that should help with that. The Rooney is not quite as soft and the flow through is not as good but good enough. Tough choice but I would go with the Thater with a bulb knot. Or maybe not. Can't go wrong with either.
I have a Rooney 3XL and the Thater you listed. Both great brushes. The Thater is very soft and the flow through is outstanding. It lacks backbone though. I would get it in bulb, that should help with that. The Rooney is not quite as soft and the flow through is not as good but good enough. Tough choice but I would go with the Thater with a bulb knot. Or maybe not. Can't go wrong with either.

I don't have a fan shaped brush - does it cause substantial difference in backbone?
Amazed I haven't seen this suggested yet, but I'd contact Rudy Vey about an R7 handle with a Shavemac D01 Silvertip knot. Best of both worlds!
I recently acquired a Chubby 2 Super. So far I really enjoy this brush and it was a nice upgrade from my Edwin Jagger best badger brush.

I have some pictures in this thread here
I have both and the 2XL is still my favorite brush. If you want dense with good scrub and super soft tips the 2XL is unbeatable.

As others have said, the Thater has much better flow-through, has decent backbone, and uses much less soap/cream.
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I have both. The 2XL is a much scrubbier (at least mine is) than the Thater you mentioned. The Thater has better flow-through and slightly softer tips.

For the 4125/2, I'd recommend a bulb shape if you're keen on moderately robust backbone. The fan shaped 4125/2 (even in two-band) is somewhat of a soft knot, backbone-wise.
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To Add,

While the 2XL is my favorite brush, I have a "chubby 3" style brush from RV and it's an incredible value. I ended up buying 3 more brushes from him.

A "chubby style" 28mm knot could be right up your alley.
To Add,

While the 2XL is my favorite brush, I have a "chubby 3" style brush from RV and it's an incredible value. I ended up buying 3 more brushes from him.

A "chubby style" 28mm knot could be right up your alley.

I am intrigued by the idea of a custom Chubby. What hair do you have on it?
I am intrigued by the idea of a custom Chubby. What hair do you have on it?

Rudy stocks some TGN "chubby" style 2-band finest. I only have a CH1, so I can't compare how this actually compares to a Chubby 2/3, but the tips are very soft, and the knot has great density (a little more dense than the Thater). I think my brush is 32mm set at at 53mm. I recently ordered a 26mm brush set at 50mm and a 28mm brush set at 52mm. The nice part is that he has some fun handle materials, and get you make the brush exactly how you want it.
I don't have a fan shaped brush - does it cause substantial difference in backbone?
It does help. The shorter hairs around the outside help support the longer hairs towad the center. I am very happy with my fan shaped Thater but I use it in a rotation with other brushes. I mostly use the Thater with soft creams but it does fine with hard soaps. It really is luxuriously soft.
I just googled the DaVinci 290 and Sears has it for $386

Where is my credit card?

If it really piques your interest, you should be able to find this brush for quite a bit less than that. Think more like $120.
I have both of the brushes you mention. Without a doubt or hesitation, I recommend the Heritage Stubby 2XL. The Thater has soft tips but no backbone. I was quite surprised and disappointed in the Thater 4125/2 fan. In contrast, the Stubby 2XL has become one of my favorite brushes.
If it really piques your interest, you should be able to find this brush for quite a bit less than that. Think more like $120.

yes lower prices came up as well, i think around $130 and with amazon at about $300. it amazes me that there is such a wide range. i guess they don't sell many, but when they sell one they make a helluva profit.

OP you might find some useful info in this thread also


most of us imo focus mainly on the bristles, loft, etc. but the size and shape of the handle is very important. for example i don't think that i would like the "golf ball" handle of the 290 DV because of the way i like to hold my brush.
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