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Help me choose a new combo!

Which cream/aftershave combo should I buy?

  • Castle Forbes Lavender

  • TOBS Sandalwood

  • Something else entirely. . .

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OK, I think I've narrowed it down to two selections: Castle Forbes Lavender and TOBS Sandalwood.

I want a classic scent, a storied manufacturer, and as "luxurious" a lather as I can get. Luxurious to me in this context means dense, creamy, silky and amazing-smelling. I tend to like yoghurt-style lather more than the meringue. I also want a matching aftershave to go with it, although I'm a little leery of balms, since they tend to make my oily skin more oily. I have good luck with alcohol-based ***, but haven't tried one with with witch hazel as an alternative yet. If anyone with oily skin has found these particular *** to exacerbate things, I'd sure love to know about it!

I'm figuring that with the popularity of these products, if they don't work for me within a couple of uses, I can find someone here who might like to buy them from me.
T&H 1805 or Ultimate Comfort are battling for my #1, #2 is D.R. Harris Windsor. Amazing stuff all of them, never tried the CF, but TOBS is just irritating to my skin for some reason. Trumper's sandalwood is good stuff too... The possibilities are endless lol
Either go with Castle Forbes or something different, like Trumper Sandalwood, Razorock KotC Lime, or T&H Trafalgar, Grafton, or 1805.
Well, the poll seems like a close match, with "Something Else Entirely" doing surprisingly well. While I'm sure it won't be long before I do try the Something Else suggestion, for now I'm content with the Castle Forbes Lavender stuff that showed up yesterday. I've shaved with it once, and the lather was out of control. One small quarter-swirl with a Chubby 2 yielded enough lather for at least a couple days worth of shaves, and the scent is great. The aftershave is very soothing, dries well, and leaves the skin feeling very soft.
CF is awesome. If you want to try something else check out Nancy Boy signature cream and their cooling AS gel. It's a phenomenal combo.
The two scents are VERY far apart. If you want something floral go with the CF lavender and you will NOT regret it. If you want a woodsy, cologne type scent then go with the TOBS Sandalwood. You will not regret it either.
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