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help identifying razors #1

I just had my first shave this morning with a 1950 superspeed. After that I happened to be at an antique store and picked up a couple new razors. I just need help identifying them. Any body have any ideas? I'm pretty certain the first one is an aristocrat as it says that on the inside of the case. It is a TTO style. Any idea on the date? It was marked for $10 dollars and it had a nice weight and it came with a case so I talked them down to $7. Is that a fair price?

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Thanks for your help!
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look under the head and find the letter and number, then use the wiki to date the razor...yes it is an aristocrat
It doesn't have a letter and number in the usual place. Is it somewhere else?

If there is no date code, the date is 1950 or older. Post a pic of the blade bed with the doors open and you may be able to narrow down the dates furtner.

By the way, $7 was a terrible price, but since you are new, you can send the razor to me for full reimbursement. :001_tt2:
I don't see an open comb and it has a bar to facilitate changing the blade. Does this put it in the 1946-1950 era? Is there a way to get the exact year? Thanks for your help. And I'm guessing $7 is a great place since you are so willing to take it off my hands. :thumbup: Bless your heart.

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And is there a price guide somewhere to use as a guide so that I don't get ripped off in an antique store? They had another gillette still in it's case that looked older and more beat up that I didn't get because I wasn't sure. It didn't have a solid feel to it so I passed. It was a three piece one. But it was only $9 so I probably should have followed that rule, "when in doubt, buy them both".
I'm not as familiar with the Aristocrats. So, I can't be of much help as to figuring out how old it is. But I know that $7 is an excellent price. Nice find!
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