I added the picture of the razor as an attachment. Picture is not that great but it has butterfly doors and is adjustable from settings 1-9. Any help identifying would be appreciated.
Its a super adjustable from the 70s youll need the date code on bottom to get year though, should have a letter and a number on the bottom of the base plate
btw you can find more information here http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/Adjustable/Adjustable.htm
the little numbers in each are the date codes, "w3" "V2" and so on, if your date code isnt listed there there is a wiki on here but you can just post it in here wont take long for someone to tell you what year it is
that mr razor site is a great place to ID gillette razors you come across always helps me out, by clicking on the pictures in the main page will take you to more pictures of each razor and usually are very detailed