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Help Identify Razor / Set

Hi guys. This is my first post. I just start buying items so I can start my journey into the land of wet shaving. I always do tons of research before making an investment so I've been scouring the plains that is Badger and Blade. I've already purchased my H.I.S brush and a pack of 100 Personna Lab razors. For my razor I know I want a EJ Barley, just shopping around for the best deal.

Now, I know I wanted a stand to hold my soon to be razor and brush, but everything seemed in the $20+ range for cheapos and around $35+ for something decent. I went on the Bay and found this set that I just bought (can't wait to see in person). I was hoping someone on here could identify the the items as well as a price range for them. I bought the set for $35 shipped.

Thank you!


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  • $$T2eC16d,!y0E9s2S7w6SBQPTGLf6,w~~60_57.jpg
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Yea, thought it looked strange without the gold plated head. The entire set looks kinda weird with the mix of marble and what could be brass. Would've been awesome if it was a marble handle.
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