Hi guys. This is my first post. I just start buying items so I can start my journey into the land of wet shaving. I always do tons of research before making an investment so I've been scouring the plains that is Badger and Blade. I've already purchased my H.I.S brush and a pack of 100 Personna Lab razors. For my razor I know I want a EJ Barley, just shopping around for the best deal.
Now, I know I wanted a stand to hold my soon to be razor and brush, but everything seemed in the $20+ range for cheapos and around $35+ for something decent. I went on the Bay and found this set that I just bought (can't wait to see in person). I was hoping someone on here could identify the the items as well as a price range for them. I bought the set for $35 shipped.
Thank you!
Now, I know I wanted a stand to hold my soon to be razor and brush, but everything seemed in the $20+ range for cheapos and around $35+ for something decent. I went on the Bay and found this set that I just bought (can't wait to see in person). I was hoping someone on here could identify the the items as well as a price range for them. I bought the set for $35 shipped.
Thank you!