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Help! I don't know what razor I have!!!

Good Evening Everyone-

Recently I wound up in the possession of a safety razor from a friend of mine. He said he picked it up at an antique store within the last 6 months and told me it was a Gillette, but I wanted to do some more research. The safety razor is made up of three components and the underside of the top piece is engraved, "Made in Germany."

I've attached some screen shots and would appreciate if anyone can assist me in telling me what brand/model I have. Double points if you can give me an idea of what year it was produced (sorry, I'm a nerd when it comes to history...:001_rolle)

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Interesting....your Yuma does look like mine, but I don't think that's what I have. I've included more pics in hopes that they might offer a little more assistance in identifying it.
While they are similar there are some major differences, the base is really different for one and the end of the handle in the OP is solid the one in the link is hollow. I would guess that te OP razor is much newer then the linked razor.
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