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Okay, so I want some insight. I've been eyeing a Futur for some time now. I want to know what's so great about them from those who like 'em. I also want to know what's bad about them as well. I'm trying rid myself of my British New and my Sheraton to fund this adventure.....

Guess my ONE rule is gonna be shot to heck....:bored:
Spend less, and buy a Fatboy.:tongue_sm
No need to spend that much on a less refined, quality control lacking hunk of cast zinc alloy.
Spend less, and buy a Fatboy.:tongue_sm
No need to spend that much on a less refined, quality control lacking hunk of cast zinc alloy.

That's about as fine an answer as you can get....
Sure does help me make my mind up......Oh wait, I wouldn't buy one in the first place.....:biggrin:
You have to admit though, it lacks quality control, not very refined, and is cast zinc. :tongue_sm (I have one too)

To be honest though, both the Vision and Futur look too much like kinky sex toys for me to ever consider buying them
Wow. So many negative waves against the Futur (and Progress). I have and use both - great razors. I haven't had any quality issues with those I've had. However, I've never purchased one new either. You will never know if you'll like them or not unless you try them. If you're worried about quality issues, buy them off the BST.
If want a Progress, get a Mergress instead. It's a Progress with the quality-control issues dealt with.


I love my Progress, of course, mine are vintage, so I can't say what kind of quality control issues the new ones have. I personally like the plastic knob too.
What would you like to drink with that sir?

I'll have a gallon of meatballs please, and can you toss in a nice vintage Gillette Diplomat with that as well......:001_smile
The Futur is the ultimate shaving machine and gives me the best shave of all my razors. The ergonomics are perfect and the razor does all the work. They call the Futur the RAD killer; once you have one you do not seek out other razors.

The only possible negative has to do with blade changing. You have to pop off the top which could get dicey if you have soapy fingers.
If Gillette were producing razors today we would hear of the, "My Fatboy Handle fell off" or "my brand new slim doesn't work" type failures. Most of the Gillette duff razors have long since been binned leaving only the good ones (although ebay sometimes makes me think otherwise).

I have bought 5 brand new razors three Merkurs and two Muhles. I have been lucky and had no defective razors. I tend to buy from decent vendors who do inspect before shipping.

I do prefer the vintage razors but I like some of the new ones also. The more choice the better IMO.
I have a Futur and enjoy shaving with it. It's been a great razor that gives a nice, smooth shave and doesn't seem to be quite so picky about blades. I keep seeing all these posts about quality control issues, but have yet to run into any with any of the Merkurs that I own. Not saying it doesn't happen, just that I've managed to avoid the issues across the different models that I have.

As far as negatives for the Futur, there are a few things that are a bit annoying. The adjustment setup is on the asinine side. Having to twist the entire head, rather than a dial, seems to be asking for cuts. There are ways around it, but if you plan on adjusting the razor mid shave to hit more sensitive areas, use caution. The blade change mechanism is different. I'm kinda curious how it holds up over repeated use, and if it loosens up over time. It's something that I've been keeping an eye on. So far the cap stays snug and keeps everything in check.

Aside from that, it's a sweet razor. The size and weight are about right for me. It's got a nice heft to it without the Femur-with-a-blade feel of the Vision. It has a nice balance to it and makes the sweetest sound when mowing down stubble.
I use a Futur on occasion. It seems to be a good razor. The adjustment on it is quite dangerous though. I did the classic slip of the thumb and sliced the heck out of myself. I cried out like a little girl:blushing:. You definately need to change blades and adjust with dry hands.

The Futur was my first razor. I sold it long ago. The things I liked were that it was it seemed to amplify the whacking of whiskers so it shaved really loud. It was easy to get immediate feedback. What I didn't like was just about everything else. The razor is completely smooth so it is very slippery. It is also quite heavy and I later found after much experimenting that I don't care for the heavy razors (like Merkur 38C as well). The blade changing mechanism is asinine. You pop off the cap completely which is held in via wires, set a blade in a pop it back on. The adjustment is so stiff and the razor so smooth that it is really difficult to adjust. And pray that you don't slip with a blade in there because you have to turn the entire head to adjust it. Most people seem to resort to using a towel wrapped around the head.

Nice looking razor, but there are way too many nicer razors in the pond.
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