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Hello everyone

Well after lurking around the forum I have decided to try a DE safety razor. I had decided on a Gillette fat handle tech or a slim adjustable. But as luck will have it I got furloughed today so it will be awhile before I get one. But I will enjoy reading all the post. Wow at 52 I decided to try a safety razor. I'll be joining y'all soon.

Welcome Ron. Sorry to hear about your furlough. I do not have a Tech or a Slim to send you, but I do have a user grade but very functional Gillette Super Speed I would be more than happy to send you, along with a little sample pack of razor blades; absolutely free of charge. Something to get you on your way until you can pick up the things you really want.

Different situation, but I was laid off several years ago and was out of work for 8 months. Soon after starting my new job I discovered DE shaving. I sincerely hope your furlough will be brief.

If you wish, PM me your address and I will get the razor and blades sent out to you by Friday or Saturday. Again, welcome. I hope you stick around and find the same enjoyment I have found here.


Jeff - that's really nice of you!

Eagle - if you need some shaving cream, I have a partially used tube I can send. And an extra brush - it's a $5 Ecotools kabuki makeup brush, but it actually works pretty well. It just takes a while to dry! PM me if interested with your address (again, free with no expectations).


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I didn't get furloughed.
I get to go to work but won't get paid until those in Washington decide to grow up!
I wonder if we qualify for government assistance?
Another kick in the coma es llama: They told us we would be subject to termination if we get a 2nd job without clearing it through the proper channels.
The guys hooked you up pretty good but if there's something else you need just let me know.
Welcome to the forum Jeff. Let me add my offer for any supplies you might need. That's what this forum is about, helping each other on this wet shaving adventure. Send me a PM if I can help.
I can send you some blades, shoot me a PM with your address. My father-in-law was furloughed as well. Hope you are back at work soon.
Thanks everyone. Jeff thanks very much for your offer and everyone else with their offers, very much appreciated. I do have some soap and a cheap brush. And again i say thank you all very much. I did not post for help but was just frustrated with being furloughed. Appears to be one of the best forums I have been on.
Ron....I am glad I had something to send you that would get you by until your furlough is over. To everyone else that offered to send something, hats off to each of you for displaying the best of what this forum and community is all about. Helping those new to our hobby with advice, helping a fellow member who may not have the means to help himself right now or giving something back just because you have received so much from the community in the past.

I am putting Ron's stuff together and my plan is to put it in the mail on my way to work Friday morning. I go in at 10 on Fridays and work until 7 or 8. I guess I'd better check to see if the Postal Service is shut down....is it? If it is I will have to go to Fed Ex or UPS ground. Either way, it should be on it's way Friday baring something unforeseen.
Well after lurking around the forum I have decided to try a DE safety razor. I had decided on a Gillette fat handle tech or a slim adjustable. But as luck will have it I got furloughed today so it will be awhile before I get one. But I will enjoy reading all the post. Wow at 52 I decided to try a safety razor. I'll be joining y'all soon.


Sorry to hear you've been furloughed. Hang in there brother.

I know when you start up with a DE you will be happy with whatever you go with.
Special thanks to Jeff. The razor has been great and all the blade samples you sent. I have tried the GSB and now on the Astra. Now that make me want to get a slim now. Maybe now I can hold out for one made in '61. Thanks Jeff and all the great people at B&B.
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