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I'm an occasional headshaver and usually use a mach3 for the job. I have tried my Progress with a feather blade but seems to struggle with the job. What's your headshaving razor and blade of choice?
I shave my head with the headblade w/ wilkinson sword trac-2 blade knockoffs. This morning I lathered my head with my leftover MdC and it was fantastic.
I use a Headblade too, with the same Wilkinson cartridges. Great shave every time.

I am tempted to try the headblade. The Atra blades are sure cheaper than the Mach3. I'd be interested in others experience with a Headblade.
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I bought the headblade because it seemed like a no brainer to me- its basically a plastic toy car you drive over your head! I have tried a mach 3 razor at one time, but it got weird holding the razor at some points.

Also, the headblade "Mach 3-type" razor blades aren't terrible, but they seem to clog up with hair too quickly for me.
There is nothing and I mean nothing better than a DE head shave. I get some incredible BBS dome shaves. Is it worth with it. Hellz yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I have discovered DE razors in April 2012... I have placed my cartridge razors in permanent retirement. My current favorite DE razor for dome shaves are my 37C, 37G, Weber DLC and ARC w/ Bulldog Handle, and Fatboy. Lately... I have been mostly using the 37C and 37G.

Again...YMMV but I absolutely love my DE razors when shaving my face and dome. Cartridge razors, disposables razors, and the Headblade do not compare to any DE razor.

Here is a link to the Head Shaver Section of the forum. With that said... we still have several members using cartridges, disposables, and the Headblade for head shaving. For me... I prefer DE razors!!!:thumbup:



Real Men Wear Pink: Proud supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
To my fellow head shavers: Please do NOT get offended by my above post if you use a cartridge razor or disposable razor or Head Blade for your head shaves. I am only stating my love for my DE razors that's all. DE razors all the way!!!!:thumbup:


Real Men Wear Pink: Proud supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
No offense taken Mel! I use and really like the Headblade for the quick,safe BBS shaves it gives me. One of these days I'll work up the gumption to use my 39C slant on my head...


A pivoting head razor is beneficial to head shaving, i use a Gillette guard
I've settled on Personna meds as my go-to blade, so one of those in whichever razor I happen to be using at the time. My rotation seems to have stuck since my Tradere OC arrived though...
I use what ever razor I am using for the face. My favorite for the head shave has to be the Futur(set between 4 and 6). I go one pass front to back, and then the second is around the ears and collect the rest on the back of my head and neck. For me the carts clog up, but I would someday like to try the Guard. The G type injector I use from time to time does not clog on me, and I think the gap looks similar to the Guard.
Last time a tried a DE to headshave is a good 5 years ago. I have been hesitant to try a DE again on my mellon but since several of you have success with it, I'll give it another go with my Fatip this weekend...
I have been using a Tradere 2nd Generation OC + Feather (although all my blades work with the Tradere). My past head shavers, in order, were Mach 3, 23C, Gillette single ring, and a 2011 R41. The Tradere ended my rotation for face and head.
I shave my head every Friday night. Start with whatever of the DEs I have been using for the week. The week before last I actually got a nick free start on my head with an R41. I always finish with a pass using the Mach 3 to catch any stragglers.

I have spent way too much on DE razors but my Mach 3 blades last about two months now. :thumbup:

The best DE for a headshave? Bar none, it is the Lord L6...Very mild and you have to TRY to cut yourself with it.
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