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Headshavers: Do you change your head shave routine from your face shave? If so, how?

A headlather brush thread peaked my interest on how little I tune my routine towards the head part of my shave. Ok, I lather my dome while I put the first pass lather on my face, this skull lather sits there through my face shave in an attempt to soften my hair for an extra 10 mins. But apart from that everything is the same; same pre shave, same brush, same cream, same blade... You get the picture.

I was hoping to get a moisturiser that takes a bit of the post shave shine of my head, but I still haven't done this yet. Is anyone else as lazy as me?

Different brushes for you melon?

Different setting on your adjustable?

Maybe it's just a different AS or moisturiser for your noggin?

Does anyone go all out and change brush, lather, razor & blade?...

Please let us know.
Straight razor and soap for my face and neck (cold water shaving too) cart, canned goop and shaving in the shower for my head. Afterwards I just splash on witch hazel and I'm done
The only thing I change is using scrub on my head: it doesn't always get done if I've let it go for more than four days or so because my hair is too long for the scrub to get down to the scalp.
Hi Matt: Glad to see another head shaver. I treat my face the same I treat my dome except that I face shave at the sink and dome shave in the shower. On occasion. . . I will use a different razor for each depending on my mood. One thing that I love about being a head shaver is that I can double the fun.

The difference for me is that I find I need to split my head-shave up into two parts. First is sides and back, second is top and touch-up. I found when I didn't do this the lather would dry by the time I got 3/4 done. Oh and I typically only use a DE on my head. I enjoy using my straight, just doesn't always seem to have "life" left to it after I finish my head. Especially since I only shave my head every four days vs. every two for my face. Lots more hair up there to mow down. Well ok, maybe not LOTS more hair...but you get the point. :)


I usually head shave once or twice a week and most often that's on a day that I'm skipping my face shave, so the dome gets its own setup. In these instances, I'm more likely to use my TGN Grade A Silvertip, versus my WSP High Mountain White, which I find is a little too floppy for head lathering. The WSP feels great, I just prefer a little more backbone for head lathering and a softer cushion for face lathering. Having said that, I now have in my possession one Morris & Forndran Chief that is doing a heck of a job for both head and face. It is my go to on most days, and especially on days when I'm shaving everything at the same time. There's something to be said for holding enough lather for 5 passes (3 face + 2 head).

My head shave is exactly like my face shave. Prep, blade, razor, soap, brush, aftershave..Whatever is done for my face is done up there. There is one exception and that is I wont use a balm on my head.
One thing that I love about being a head shaver is that I can double the fun.


That's quite true; plus, the upside to burning through more cream/soap, is that you get to buy new software more regularly than face-only shavers! :wink2:
I pretty much do the same routine on head and face prep and soap/cream wide. I still use a cart on the dome and DE on face so that's different.
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