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Head Shavers - Glossy or Matte?

I've been shaving my head for a few years now. I started every few days with a Mach III and canned blu-goo, so a matte finish was the call since the shaves weren't all that close and my dome wasn't glowing.

Then I discovered Wet Shaving (even left the can-O-goo in a hot sink while showering!), and in the last few months DE shaving and high quality lathers.

What I've noticed is that my head shaves are yielding a highly reflective glossy finish :001_cool: . Nobody has donned sunglasses from the glare yet, but my questions are:

1) Glossy or Matte finish?

2) Product(s) / Techniques used to achieve that?
Dabbled in headshaving this past fall. Matte looks more natural to me. Grew my hair out to buzz, will likely shave again this summer when I can get some color to it. Try Headslick Matte finish. I got mine at RiteAid, and you can also find it at Amazon.
I prefer matte, but--aside from using my sample of Headslick matte finish--I have no idea if my scalp shines or not. btw, while I use an EJ89L on my face, I use the new ATX Headblade (much better, IMO, than the previous Headblade Sport; I use cheap, online-purchased CVS two-blade cartridges) on my head (together with brush and shaving soap) and get excellent shaves. I apply alum block, WH, and my home-mixed oils afterwards. I save time shaving my head so that I have more time for the greater challenge of face shaving.
A couple of years ago, I asked several attractive women at work what they preferred. They all said...GLOSSY.

So shine on, you crazy diamond!
I use a headblade with headslick. The top, from my eyebrows back to the crown, is gloss. That's more genetic than due to my choice of equipment, however. The sides and back end up being matte -ish since that part of my head still has plenty of hair. I usually shave for the first time in early spring and keep it shaved or no guard until the weather starts to turn cool. In the winter, it's no guard once a month or so when it gets annoying.
I use a headblade with headslick. The top, from my eyebrows back to the crown, is gloss. That's more genetic than due to my choice of equipment, however. The sides and back end up being matte -ish since that part of my head still has plenty of hair. I usually shave for the first time in early spring and keep it shaved or no guard until the weather starts to turn cool. In the winter, it's no guard once a month or so when it gets annoying.

Genetics give me the "mixed finish" as well - there is a definite "tree line", above which all is glossy even when the rest is grown out :001_rolle.

But I found that with daily DE shaves, my whole head is a high gloss finish after the morning shave - so much so that I can see clear reflections of my hand / razor head in the mirror while doing touch ups, even more so if I use any moisturizing oil (1-2 drops of Skin So Soft) after.

Might try the headslick - I see it a lot at my local RiteAid
Genetics give me the "mixed finish" as well - there is a definite "tree line", above which all is glossy even when the rest is grown out :001_rolle.

But I found that with daily DE shaves, my whole head is a high gloss finish after the morning shave - so much so that I can see clear reflections of my hand / razor head in the mirror while doing touch ups, even more so if I use any moisturizing oil (1-2 drops of Skin So Soft) after.

Might try the headslick - I see it a lot at my local RiteAid

I like it, it's mentholated so it's pretty cool, especially if you're doing a winter shave. It does feel very nice in the summer, though. My skill level isn't high enough for me to try the DE route on my head, yet, I can only imagine how that would go. Good luck.
Matte all the way. And it is cheap and pleasent to get matte-d
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