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Have "new" razor, dunno what it is


I've been lurking on this site for weeks, but figured I had a reason to post, now.

Cruised an antique mall today and came across a black box, lid lined in black leather, with 'Gillette" in silver script at the center of it... nothing else.

Inside, there was a black razor (combed) and two chromed metal blade boxes. Lids of both boxes say "Gillette Blades" on the end, and the "feet" have some textured ridges. The cap of one box has the Gillette diamond logo faintly imprinted, and both sit nicely in two slots on either side of the raised bed for the handle. Razor doesn't say Gillette anywhere on it, but has the familiar bullet-shaped side posts, and the bottom unscrews to release the razor cap's post. Only mark on it says "PATNOV1504". Knurl on the handle is very fine, but the bottom screw has a much more coarse knurling pattern, with two inset grooves. Doesn't appear to match, but maybe that's how it's supposed to be.

Anyone know what this is? Better to leave it clean, as-is, or consider replating?

Thought it seemed odd that the boxes were chromed and the razor was totally tarnished, so maybe they didn't go together, but the razor looked like a nice polishing exercise and given that I paid just shy of 30 for my Parker 91r (yeah, I know lots of folks here think the 91r is a meat slicer, but I can make it work pretty well), I figured I could pay about the same for this one.

Cleaned up pretty good with baking soda and salt soak, along with a little toothbrushing (dab of toothpaste), and I may take it for a spin tomorrow morning.

I took a few pictures, but they're not that great. I'll post 'em if there's interest.

Anyhow, great site. Seems like a nice crowd. Any tips or pointers appreciated.

-- Chet
Of course we want to see the photos. You could have a rare razor worth hundreds or a common razor in poor shape worth very little. You don't even consider replating at this point.

You most likely have an Old Type Single Ring. That's what was sold in the Script case. The blade case with the diamond is not original to the case as the Script case predated the diamond trademark.

In any case show us what you have and do not use a commercial metal polish on it yet.

There should also be a serial number either on the inside tube that screws into the cap or on the blade guard. From that we can tell you when the razor was made.

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I'll try and get the (albeit bad) photos up tonight.
Anyhow, I did find some numbers on the inside tube -- thanks for pointing that out.
They are: "640772"
Looking at Mr. Razor's page, "Old Type", it looks just like the ones at the top with the purple linings in the box -- my lining appears to be black, but maybe that's dirt. The third one down on the left, and the one on the top right seem to liik just like what I've got.
Back with photos, later.
-- Chet
Thanks, Len.

Yep, your box looks just like mine, though mine has lost the snap closure, and my blade boxes are chromed. The ones on Achim's site appear to have a different box shape.

Mine is like yours, more of a "coffin" shape. Are your blade boxes all-leather, or is the leather covering metal boxes? (curious to know, if metal, what does that metal look like) The boxes I have seem to fit kinda loosely in the slots, which would make sense if they're supposed to be covered with leather. I'll have to keep an eye out for black leather blade boxes, I guess. What does "single ring" refer to, by the way?

Anyhow, took it for a spin this morning and it shaves very nicely. You can pretty much pound the thing into your face without worrying about a cut. Definetly needs 2 passes at least. Given its advanced age, I'll probably consign it to a shelf.

... so, in the estimation of this esteemed forum, is this thing worth what I paid? My gut feeling is that replating something this old would be an insult to it.

-- Chet
... Are your blade boxes all-leather, or is the leather covering metal boxes? (curious to know, if metal, what does that metal look like) The boxes I have seem to fit kinda loosely in the slots, which would make sense if they're supposed to be covered with leather. I'll have to keep an eye out for black leather blade boxes, I guess.

these blade boxes are paper card boxes. I´ve seen them in black, blue, green, tan and red.
Mine is like yours, more of a "coffin" shape. Are your blade boxes all-leather, or is the leather covering metal boxes? (curious to know, if metal, what does that metal look like) The boxes I have seem to fit kinda loosely in the slots, which would make sense if they're supposed to be covered with leather. I'll have to keep an eye out for black leather blade boxes, I guess. What does "single ring" refer to, by the way?
... so, in the estimation of this esteemed forum, is this thing worth what I paid? My gut feeling is that replating something this old would be an insult to it.

-- Chet

Chet, as Achim said the blade boxes are a heavy cardboard. I have three other sets like this, one of which is a maroon color and matches the case pretty well.

As for the value, you did pretty well. My set cost me over $100. And yes you don't want to replate this razor.

Thanks, Len.

Yep, your box looks just like mine, though mine has lost the snap closure, and my blade boxes are chromed. The ones on Achim's site appear to have a different box shape.

Mine is like yours, more of a "coffin" shape. Are your blade boxes all-leather, or is the leather covering metal boxes? (curious to know, if metal, what does that metal look like) The boxes I have seem to fit kinda loosely in the slots, which would make sense if they're supposed to be covered with leather. I'll have to keep an eye out for black leather blade boxes, I guess. What does "single ring" refer to, by the way?

Anyhow, took it for a spin this morning and it shaves very nicely. You can pretty much pound the thing into your face without worrying about a cut. Definetly needs 2 passes at least. Given its advanced age, I'll probably consign it to a shelf.

... so, in the estimation of this esteemed forum, is this thing worth what I paid? My gut feeling is that replating something this old would be an insult to it.

-- Chet

Your gut feeling is correct. And, if you paid around $30 then it is well worth that with case and blade boxes.
these blade boxes are paper card boxes. I´ve seen them in black, blue, green, tan and red.

Ah! That would make them much harder to find, then. Still, you never know what you come across as you're rummaging through other folk's old stuff.
Thank you, Achim.
-- Chet
I said that I'd try to get some photos up, when I could get them together. Here they are. The razor started out black all over, and got cleanup in baking soda + salt soak, with a little dab of toothpaste (gently scrubbed in the corners and, er, between the teeth... the razor's teeth). Not really razor porn, but enough to show how it cleaned up and what the set looks like.
Thanks, guys.
-- Chet
maybe the blade boxes are not wrong:

maybe the blade boxes are not wrong:

It's really hard to tell what Gillette put in their cases for blade boxes at any one time but since this is a 1906 razor and Script case the box with the diamond trademark would be wrong. The other one could be OK.

Just out of curiosity, short of ebay, do those cardboard blade boxes pop up anyplace (from time to time)? If I have to keep my eyes peeled at flea markets or antique joints, I'm fine with that, regardless, but I'd hate to be ignoring some other site or forum that would be worthwhile to monitor.
-- Chet
Just out of curiosity, short of ebay, do those cardboard blade boxes pop up anyplace (from time to time)? If I have to keep my eyes peeled at flea markets or antique joints, I'm fine with that, regardless, but I'd hate to be ignoring some other site or forum that would be worthwhile to monitor.
-- Chet


They are hard to find outside of sets. I don't recall ever seeing one. The metal cases come up separate on ebay from time to time.

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