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Has anyone tried Sheep Dip Scotch?

Over the weekend I was talking to a former co-worker about Scotch and he mentioned Sheep Dib. Has anyone tried this before? It's only an 8 year Scotch so I'm a bit weary about making a blind buy.

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Tried it at whisky live a few years back. Fairly typical vatted malt. Middle-of-the-road flavour, but not at all unpleasant - I remember it as relatively sweet and surprisingly fresh tasting, given that there are significantly older spirits than the 8YO in there (IIRC, the oldest are 21YO). My notes from the day are somewhat unintelligible by that point....
I haven't tried Sheep Dip yet but Pig's Nose is a decent blend. I'd assume Sheep Dip to be at least as good or better.
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