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Has anyone tried post-Ukraine-War Voskhods?


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Please let us try to keep this thread strictly about the newest blades. A few posts have already been deleted.

It won't be hard, just give your opinion on the blades if you've tried them. No conjecture or attempted humor, thanks.
Where did you see this rumor? Another forum?
Yes. The rumor is that steel from Avesta in Sweden was used to make these blades. And, well, after the sanctions, Russia has resorted to either using domestic steel OR just shutting the plant down?

I've heard that no post-sanction blades are available in the general international market. That's bizarre. But, then again, I guess that Voskhods and Ladas are not going to have some huge market in Central Asia or Iran or Turkey or Belarus or China.
Yes. The rumor is that steel from Avesta in Sweden was used to make these blades. And, well, after the sanctions, Russia has resorted to either using domestic steel OR just shutting the plant down?

I've heard that no post-sanction blades are available in the general international market. That's bizarre. But, then again, I guess that Voskhods and Ladas are not going to have some huge market in Central Asia or Iran or Turkey or Belarus or China.
There are no post-sanctions Mostochlegmash blades in the Western European and North American countries. Sanctions are sanctions.

Rapira Super Stainless (made by the same Mostochlegmash) is sold in Turkey, Belarus and the former Asian USSR republics. They are cheaper than P&G blades and sell well.
So I am afraid the only users who could tell you about a difference in the later production will be either from those countries or Russia.
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So, we'd need to get these blades from Belarus, the Central Asian Republics, Turkey, etc.?
Don't think there is a possibility to buy blades from Belarus or other former USSR members in Asia. There were one or two Turkish online stores that used to sell Rapiras only, but not Voskhod.
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