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Has anybody ever been to a russian steam bath?

This is an old time manly tradition. I was a bit skeptic about going, but my barber said that he goes about once a week. You have to be ok being nude in a room full of guys. But from what I hear, it's a totally relaxing and healing experience. From what i hear, you hang out in the steam room, and thet scrubbed down with a broom made from fresh oak leaves, and an olive oil soap. Then you get a massage. I may go tomorrow morning.

If your in the Boston area, I heard this is the place to go.

it's called Dillins. It's the oldest rissian steam bath in the country.


How about some of the Boston folks?
You mean a sauna? Yeah, they're a dime a dozen in the UP. Very refreshing, especially if you jump in a lake, pool, or better yet a snow bank after using one. :biggrin:
Not Russian, but Korean.

Never catch on here, because of the "Nudge nudge, wink wink" factor, and that's too bad. Extremely relaxing.
I say those two quotes from air plane about ten times a day each. No really i do.

But back to the russsian steam bath thing. Im extreemly sore, and could use a massage, and a good steam. Alot of people on this sight are form Boston, so i was just wondering. I may go early tomorrow morning or some time this week.
I say those two quotes from air plane about ten times a day each. No really i do.

But back to the russsian steam bath thing. Im extreemly sore, and could use a massage, and a good steam. Alot of people on this sight are form Boston, so i was just wondering. I may go early tomorrow morning or some time this week.

Just do it. You'll be glad you did.
Does this thread make anyone else think of the sauna scene in Eastern Promises? :w00t: (That's a movie worth seeing, if you haven't already, by the way.)
My supervisor told me about this Russian steam place Dillon's about a year ago but I found it to be a bit gay to be honest.
I just got out of a regular spa. i got a deep tissue massage. a little asian lady. She walked on my back. it was exactly what i needed. And it was just a massage. totally what i needed
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