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Hart owners- I need help!

I recently received my first Hart razor. I used it tonight for the first time and by the time I finished shaving, 30-35 min, my blade had what I suspect were water spots on several areas of the blade. The spots would not wipe away, but were removed easily with MAAS metal polish. I wish I had taken pictures of the spots to demonstrate what I mean.

Is this common with Hart steel? I am storing the razor in a silicone treated sleeve from TSS. Is this adequate or should I oil the blade and store it in the supplied sheath?

Let me be clear- the spots were NOT present before the shave but developed during the time I shaved. Is this common with Hart steel? None of my other razors do this.

Thanks for your help.
I bought mine off Amazon, make sure not to get the marine grade. No need to take the blade out if you get the spray.
I bought mine off Amazon, make sure not to get the marine grade. No need to take the blade out if you get the spray.

Thanks for this info. Have you found your Hart blades do the same thing? Form water spots very quickly?
I had one a while back and can't say I had any troubles like that. I did however Tuf-Glide the blade.
The only blade I have ever had spots on if my Fili 14, I actually saw some spots forming while I was honing it. I store all my razors on the silicon sleeves from TSS and I have not seen any new spots form on the blade.

The spots cleaned up very easily with Maas. I will have to see if they reform next time I hone it.

It needs a touch up, should hone it soon.
No spotting problems on the two I have. I wipe them down very lightly with camellia oil every few shaves but that's it.
One thing I forgot to mention. Mine is a satin finish, not polished. Don't know if this would make a difference or not.
Do you wipe the oil from the blade before each shave?

No. I have a 6x6ish piece of a shirt I put some camellia oil on a while ago. Not soaked but has a little oil on it. It doesn't really leave much residuial oil but wipes away fingerprints and marks and leaves the blades looking clean. I've never noticed or felt any oil on the next shave. Never marked a strop. For longer storage I apply a heavier layer of oil.
No. I have a 6x6ish piece of a shirt I put some camellia oil on a while ago. Not soaked but has a little oil on it. It doesn't really leave much residuial oil but wipes away fingerprints and marks and leaves the blades looking clean. I've never noticed or felt any oil on the next shave. Never marked a strop. For longer storage I apply a heavier layer of oil.

Thanks so much.
I think the Hart blades are great, but they really need to be oiled right after use to avoid spots (and even rust). I use a light wipe with Ballistol after use and keep them in a sicone sleeve for added protection.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I use to have a custom polished razor that did the same thing. I ended up selling it, because it would drive me crazy.
I have a razor or two that do this. Can't remember which ones, but they weren't Harts. I made sure those blades were always oiled in between use and it seemed to help.
I really like my Harts - They are my go to straights. I dry my blade after each rise while shave with a cotton towl. After the shave I dry and wipe down with a Tuff Glide cloth. Also a Rem oil cloth works well. Usually no spot at all, when it does spot some Metal Polish to clean and then treat with Tuff Glide cloth. I store my razor in individual silicon treated sleaves. I hope that helps.
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