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Harris Lavender - how dense is it?

I just recieved my 1st DR Harris Lavender shave cream.
I haven't actually used it yet - but it seems awfully dense, like a putty, seems a bit dry too. The online vendor re-assures me it's fresh.
Is this normal for this cream?

The only other Harris cream that I've used is Windsor, which is more creamy, like other English creams that I'm more used to.

Any comments?
I would think of it this way -- if it is putty thickness (Proraso tub thickness is what I am going on here) it can be loaded from the tub like a puck (and face lather if that is what works best for you) instead of having to scoop out some cream and lather in a bowl. I would actually be happier with putty thickness than cream in this case (if I want cream I will use a tube that I can take on a TSA secured airplane).

Enjoy the shaves, the putty thickness means it should last longer as well as it would be more concentrated.
Bringing this thread back from the dead...

Can anyone tell me if the current D.R. Harris lavender cream is colored, or uncolored? I haven't purchased any since back before they went with the newer tubs. Back then, the cream was a deep purple. The current picture on the Harris website shows it being uncolored, but I have heard others say it still has a colorant. Can anybody dispel the rumors and tell me what's what? Thanks.
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