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Hall of Shame: Who quit at least once? Who gave up altogether?

I quit once on the way. The first razor I bought was supposedly shave ready but it wasn't. Couldn't understand why my technique wasn't getting better and the quality of the shaves started off bad and got worse. Eventually got a truely shave ready straight and never looked back after that.
I never quit, but I would definitely skip the shavette stage if I had it to do over. Hate those things...
After the second scar, I was pretty pissed and felt like quitting, but then I love the relaxing experience of shaving with a straight so I stuck with it. I'm hoping the little scars will be less and less visible with time :-/
I started with hair clippers in college shaving about every other day. I came home from school and my barber used a razor to line my hair line perfectly. I thought interesting. I stuck with clippers for another 4/5 year while I continued to get razor lined up. Then I just had a desire to get something different done. I search the web and found B&B, you all rock, and started to read and learn all about wet shaving. I purched a cheap ANNIE blade holder, some Dorco blades, and shaving gear from the Art of Shaving. Guess what, it went horribly bad. Bloody, pimply mess. I thought maybe I'm doing something wrong its not supposed to tug this much. I returned the AOS stuff and went to Crabtree and Evelyn and bought a few items there and a large shaving brush. The shave stated to improve but Dorco dont last so I proceeded to buy a Feather razor and all the blades, it was just too sharp but I stuck it out because I thought that it must be me. My first shave with the Feather did revealed the best looking skin of my life that I never realized was under there, I mean clean. I swore for a while that I would never use any kind of straight that required me to hone it because "modern" was the better way, boy was I wrong. I sold off my Feather razors, I had at least three different types and I bought a Kit on BST here, Thank you again RockViper. Then it all went up hill. I learned to hone and read my progress on a coti from Barts old site and I tried and the shave was the best I had ever had again because the Feather eventually broke my skin out because it was too sharp even when corking it. From that moment I knew that a straight razor was right for me. Being able to hone just allowed Ebay to take all my money for awhile before my son came, then I bought a few more. I guess I never gave up, I always figured it was me and that I needed to learn something else. Now I take unique straights to my barber and he enjoys going "old school" with them on me. Great question and Thank you all on B&B.
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Pretty new here, but I didn't know people quit. I thought I'd never stop shaving with a DE with the kind of shave I'm getting. Still don't plan on it.
About a month in with a straight, using it almost every day. I get a couple of great one pass shaves then get a bit over confident and do a 2 pass shave and end up with razor rash. Still learning lots each time tho, really enjoying it and keeping my blades sharp. The searching for a different blade to try next is fun too :)
For my 1,000th post, I'll add my confession ...

I started out using my straight over a holiday period so that I could take my time. It was going reasonably well - although I was getting some pretty average razor rash.

Once I got back to work my mornings were too rushed and so I dropped back to using the straight only on weekends. Then even the weekends were a bit rushed with two kids and morning sport and the straight went into the cupboard and the Muhle R89 took over.

That was a year ago.

Recently I had the straight out again and sanded a few nicks in my strop to make it usable again. I plan on taking it on holiday over Christmas this year to get back into using it.

Then the secret to continued use might be shaving at night until I get a lot better. No excuse really, I want to master that bare metal blade!
Started - quit..... started again - quit.... I find that I can get just as fine a shave with a DE, SE, or Injector as I can with a straight razor.

I just have more fun with the safety razors I guess
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