Hi, new to forums, pretty impressed too. Anyway, I cut my own hair, but it's only been with scissors up until now, and I want to start using a razor. Not sure if anyone knows, but do they use the same straight razor or do they use something else? And where can I get one in Toronto if anyone knows?
Actually to perform a razor cut on yourself is near impossible because of the limitations of human anatomy! Your arms simply are not long enough to move properly if you are trying to do it right.
That's funny because I have been successfully shaving my hair with an electric razor for over 10 years, and it is perfectly even.. and I don't even have long arms.
Also have done it with a multi-blade razor about 30 times as well, but it's much easier with electric.
There is a big difference between shaving your head and performing a razor cut.
apples and oranges!
That's funny because I have been successfully shaving my hair with an electric razor for over 10 years, and it is perfectly even.. and I don't even have long arms.
My impression is that we're talking about razor cutting hair, not shaving heads. Perhaps I wasn't very clear in my initial post and apologize for any confusion.
Like Waterbear, I'm also a licensed barber and agree completely with his statement.
I mentioned Dannyco hairshapers as these are the low end equivalent of the over rated Feather that are most commonly available and most often used in The Great White North. They're probably made by Persona and re-branded for Dannyco.
Certain types of hair don't respond well to razor cutting, gspot, and I'd really hate to see you take a chance on this one. One thing we both neglected to mention is that if you are going to do it, make sure your hair is wet. I won't speak for Waterbear, but I've never seen any type of hair that responed well to a razor when it was dry.
Totally money thing. And I'm never really satisfied when it's cut by someone else. I've seen some videos and read some tutorials on it, so I have an idea of how to do it. If anything, it seems easier than scissors due to one hand being better with scissors than the other, but with a razor, it seems to be the same. So back on topic, what razor do you guys suggest I use?
NO matter what you may think, it is NOT possible to properly cut your hair yourself and it does not look anywhere near as good as you might think it does!
It's just self delusion.
Again, I agree completely with Waterbear. I got tired of guys showing up in my chair because they/their wife/their girlfriend/ tried to cut their hair. Then they expected me to make chicken salad out of chicken s**t and weren't happy with the result. Big news - it's a lot easier to take hair off than put it back on. They probably went home and tried to "improve" the cut again. The last guy who came in had tried to cut his own hair and then complained about how long it was taking me to try to give him something half decent. His haircut ended really fast. I refer to him as "the last guy" because I don't do it anymore.
Cutting hair isn't rocket science but doing it well does require a skill set. What's next? Pulling your own teeth?
If you still think you want to do this there's already more than enough information on this thread to get you going. Just read it.
If you still think you want to do this there's already more than enough information on this thread to get you going. Just read it.