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Hair falling out of my Vulfix

I am new to wet shaving and bought a Vulfix #403. I've used it two times and last night I noticed hair falling out of it. Is this normal? Am I being too aggressive while lather building? Any help is appreciated.


Yikes, a quick reading of this thread title and one's imagination starts to wander....:wink: I think that it is normal for some brushes to lose a few hairs the first couple of times they are used. If, however, it is really shedding or continues to lose hair then I would say that there is a problem. Others more experienced than myself however are bound to chime in soon. Good luck! :biggrin:
Yikes, a quick reading of this thread title and one's imagination starts to wander....:wink: I think that it is normal for some brushes to lose a few hairs the first couple of times they are used. If, however, it is really shedding or continues to lose hair then I would say that there is a problem. Others more experienced than myself however are bound to chime in soon. Good luck! :biggrin:

I guess I should have been a little more specific. I noticed it shed two, maybe three hairs last night during my shave. I'll keep an eye on it. If it continues the I guess I'll just get a different brush.
New brushes can have loose hairs when new. Use the brush for ~30 times and if it continues to shed regularly contact the vendor for help getting the issue resolved.
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