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Gunslinger's Shace Den

Well after diving head first into this deep dark rabbit hole of traditional wet shaving and looking at other's shave send I decided I needed to spruce up my bathroom a bit and make it more suited to my tastes. Few costs of paint and a some custom made shelves I feel that everything is more organized and inviting.








I may look like I know what Iam doing but it's just a newbie running at full speed into acquisition disorders. I have been relearning how to shave since I taught myself some bad habits over the past couple years.
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Thanks, I found the cast iron ship in an antique store, my barber tried to take it from me. The ads were just printed off the net, pasted to black background and framed.
Why yes it is a jack Daniels bottle, only it has mouth wash instead of whiskey, I mentioned I hate plastic bottles, really hate the bulk bottles that mouthwash comes in. So I repurposed a jack Daniels bottle I had. Goes great with my shotgun shell shot glass for a toothbrush holder and the shot glass I use to dose the mouthwash. It started as a joke but has worked out well.

That is a great idea, I just buy the bulk mouthwash and use a smaller bottle that I have but I like this was much better. Now if only i bought JD is a size smaller than a handle....
Awesome den :thumbup1: Did you make the brush holder yourself?

Yes, the aftershave shelves and brush rack were made from antique oak that my dad had. The display shelf above the mirror was made from cedar. I am limited on the tools I have available to me but I always enjoy building things.
Love the den 'slinger! Has an old barbershop/saloon feel to it. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with mine and yours is a real inspiration!
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