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Guess that movie quote

Connected, play on!

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Listen, I've been fatally poisoned, there's probably a psychopath heading over there to torture and kill you as we speak, but don't bother getting out of bed, I'll be there in a flash... Maybe you could fry me up a waffle or something, kay?"
That would be Mr. Vinnie Jones as Bullet Tooth Tony in the always epic Snatch, one of my favorite movies.


"Folks sometimes take me for a nincompoop on account of the shabby first impression I make, whereas I've always thought of myself as being just a rung down from the James Brothers. And I was hoping if I ran into you aside from those peckerwoods, I was hoping I could show you how special I am. I honestly believe I'm destined for great things, Mr. James. I've got qualities that don't come shining through right at the outset, but give me a chance and I'll get the job done- I can guarantee you that"
Going on circumstantial evidence here, I'm going with "The Assassination of Jesse James, etc., etc."

Quote is not terribly familar, but Brad Pitt would be a connection.
Hey, obscurity is pretty much the name of the game here. :thumbup1:

Next, also connected, slightly obscure, and a surprise to no one I hope...

"Hey, get some beer...and, some cleaning products!"

I'm not afraid to take this one :biggrin1:

"I don't have a pot to p-ss in or a window to throw it out. All I got is f---in' Floyd."

True Romance
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