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Green Lantern trailer

Has anyone seen this yet? It's being released with Harry Potter but can also be seen on YouTube.

Any thoughts? Personally, just from the trailer, there appears to be too much humor.

Sinestro and Kilowog look fantastic!!!
Thanks for the link. Yeah, not a huge fan of the CG suit either, but isn't that sorta the way it comes about in the comics? The suit/mask just appears on him out of no where? I think his mask looks horrible, and they should have put the white gloves on him.

The battery lantern looks a little funky as well.
I think it looks absolutely awful. Ryan Reynolds has no business playing Hal Jordan. He might pull off Kyle Raynor.

What's next, Robert Pattinson for Superman?

"I know, right?!"
I think Nathan Fillion would have been a better choice to play HJ.

I saw the trailer, but as a huge GL fan of the comics in the 50's and early 60's I won't be going to see the film. Didn't like the actor playing GL, his flippant attitude or the CGI.
I don't understand what is so hard about putting together a decent super-hero film. The source material for many of these franchises is great and would easily lend itself to a real cinematic treat. There have only been a few really watchable SH film in the past decade or two (Iron Man 1, Nolan's Batman films, X-men 1 and 2, Spiderman 1 and 2) and this looks like it is not one of the chosen. This reminds me of the Fantastic 4 in the way the screenwork has been done and the campy, vapid acting. I had hoped that, after the strong showing of films like Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, and Iron Man that stronger more story-driven films would be on the horizon, but the quick buck is more alluring to film companies I guess.
I don't like the suit, and the beginning shows typical Ryan Reynolds comedic attitude. However the rest of the trailer he is fairly serious and I think if you removed the music and the first scenes you'd see it.

I'm not writing it off until I see it.
This is NOT a spoiler, but Ryan Reynolds hinted that he read Green Lantern: Secret Origins and said he used it as his GL bible. I just hope the plot in centered around this great graphic novel. If so, we'll easily see a sequel.
not bad.
nathan fillon would have been better as some have pointed out.
i never was a great lantern fan but i have respect for his place in the DCU.now if G'nort is in the movie--that would be funny.
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