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Great shave this morning

After making the rounds of my recent acquisitions (2 shaves each for the Fatboy, Slim, and Travel Tech), I went back this morning to the Merkur 38C. I must've improved my technique with the vintage razors, as I managed to pull off a really nice two-pass shave (plus a couple of spot touchups). No nicks, weepers, etc.

TOBS Almond nicely lathered and kept warm in the new G20. A good morning!!

I love my 38C. It's the razor I started with and one of only three that I've tried. I'd be content if it was the only razor I ever used, but I've been quite tempted lately to try out others such as the R41 or even a straight. Even so, I get great shaves day after day with the ole 38C!
Congrats, Ken, on a great shave! Doesn't the whole day just look a little bit brighter after you nail a great shave in the morning?
I've had the same thi g happen. After I make the rounds with my old type, SuperSpeeds, Milady, and Tech, I always get a great, easy shave with my Merkur. They do make a great razor
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