Today I had a great experience To start I have only been shaving with my straight since about December. With help from this site I got a great Dovo from Vintage Blades and have been very happy. About two weeks ago my grandmother (who is 94 years old) was up with my parents to visit my wife and I. We got to talking about my grandfather who has been dead five years. I asked her what granddaddy had used to shave with. After much debated between her and my mother it was decided he had used a straight until the last 20 years or so when had switched to a safety razor when he had gone on blood thinners for his hart. So Friday mom and dad come up for dinner and mom produces two straight razors and a safety. She had actually found my grandfather's razors at the old house. The scales on one of the razors is broken but the other a Koken Phoenix was in ok shape. So some time buffing it and time on a stone I got it back into shaving shape. This evening I had my first shave with it.
It handles wonderfully and was a great shave. I ordered some feathers to try in his safety. It is a schick Krona. I look forward to that as well.