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Great after shaves found at the dollar store.

yesterday i went at the dollar store with my girlfriend and in the personnal care section i found those 3 after shaves:
-The blue one is call Deep Blue, it smells a bit like Cool Water and Aqua Velva Ice Sport.
-The green one is call Synergy, the greatest in my opinion, and it smell almost exactly like Skin bracer.
-And the white one is call Just Clear and it is a clone of Old Spice.
All of them contains menthol and the 3 bottle are made of glass.
As for how it perform, i tried today the green one and it does burn a lot but after the burning feeling is gone it leaves your face really smooth.
They are made in India by a company call Asian Aerosol Pvthttp://www.asianaerosol.com/
I paid 1$ each 70 ml bottles so i doubt you can do better than that.
So in the future anything more than 1$ would be call expensive, in term of after shaves.
So if you live near Montreal(in Canada of course) you can find them at Dollorama.
Im not sure if all the Dollorama carry them but i found them at the one located on Wellington street in Verdun.
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cool finds! i bought a bottle of the deep blue a few weeks ago, good stuff there:thumbup1:
i've been using it after applying barbasol pacific rush AS, man, it's a really good combo! nice smelling and fresh! plus it's inexpensive! shave on!
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Great AFTER shaves can be found at dollar stores for sure. Wearing Ivy Club right now.

However, good SHAVES can not be found there...the Dollar General blades sliced me up worse than Derbys, the WORST blade I ever tried.
In the UK we have budget supermarkets called Aldi and they do a range of aftershaves called Lacura. There are 3 different scents available, the names of all 3 escape me right now, I chose the one named 'Calm'. It doesn't have a bad scent. It has a sort of Citrus/Spicey smell about it. Anyway it seemed worth a go at £1.29 a 100ml bottle and leaves you feeling very refreshed. It has become my going to work aftershave, so I can save my more expensive ones for my time.
Great AFTER shaves can be found at dollar stores for sure. Wearing Ivy Club right now.

However, good SHAVES can not be found there...the Dollar General blades sliced me up worse than Derbys, the WORST blade I ever tried.

It depends,
my dollar store have some Trac 2 clone razor that come with 5 or 10 cartridges(i don't remember) , good deal in my opinion.
But i admit , for shaving cream, all they have is Supermax foam, and some small can of Gillette gel.
Also, i found an Asian kind of dollar store that have some boar shaving brush, ill go buy one tomorow and post pictures of that.
Everytime I go to the Dollarama I see these aftershaves. I always just walked by them thinking if they're a dollar, they gotta be bad! After reading this though, I'll have to pick some up. :001_smile
i saw some florida water at the family dollar today, 3.85 a pop, didn't buy any though, picked up 2 bottles of ivory club por homme, :thumbup1: what's the verdict on florida water? is it a pretty decent AS?
i saw some florida water at the family dollar today, 3.85 a pop, didn't buy any though, picked up 2 bottles of ivory club por homme, :thumbup1: what's the verdict on florida water? is it a pretty decent AS?

Florida water is good stuff for summer. Plenty has been written here about it.
i saw some florida water at the family dollar today, 3.85 a pop, didn't buy any though, picked up 2 bottles of ivory club por homme, :thumbup1: what's the verdict on florida water? is it a pretty decent AS?

My opinion on Forida Water is that it smell pretty old and cheap,
but if you like the kind of scent of the Arko stick it might be for you.
yesterday i went at the dollar store with my girlfriend and in the personnal care section i found those 3 after shaves:
-The blue one is call Deep Blue, it smells a bit like Cool Water and Aqua Velva Ice Sport.
-The green one is call Synergy, the greatest in my opinion, and it smell almost exactly like Skin bracer.
-And the white one is call Just Clear and it is a clone of Old Spice.
All of them contains menthol and the 3 bottle are made of glass.
As for how it perform, i tried today the green one and it does burn a lot but after the burning feeling is gone it leaves your face really smooth.
They are made in India by a company call Asian Aerosol Pvthttp://www.asianaerosol.com/
I paid 1$ each 70 ml bottles so i doubt you can do better than that.
So in the future anything more than 1$ would be call expensive, in term of after shaves.
So if you live near Montreal(in Canada of course) you can find them at Dollorama.
Im not sure if all the Dollorama carry them but i found them at the one located on Wellington street in Verdun.

Yeah I saw them many times

Too bad they are not for my skin type

The Blue does smell great

How is the menthol effect?
I find the menthol average in the blue.

They truly are dead ringers in scent & the performance is great.
In addition to these 3 ... I came across "Limited Edition".

Unfortunately I cant remember what scent its replicating. At the time I was sniffing it,it struck me right away as to what it was.
Sorry thats not much help but keep checking the shelves for it in this stable of good aftershaves :thumbup1:
I find the menthol average in the blue.

They truly are dead ringers in scent & the performance is great.
In addition to these 3 ... I came across "Limited Edition".

Unfortunately I cant remember what scent its replicating. At the time I was sniffing it,it struck me right away as to what it was.
Sorry thats not much help but keep checking the shelves for it in this stable of good aftershaves :thumbup1:

i saw some florida water at the family dollar today, 3.85 a pop, didn't buy any though, picked up 2 bottles of ivory club por homme, :thumbup1: what's the verdict on florida water? is it a pretty decent AS?

Where was it in the store? I always look around for that stuff but never find. Maybe it's geographical, since there are more Latin folks in your area than Cleveland, the Family Dollars would carry it.
In the UK we have budget supermarkets called Aldi and they do a range of aftershaves called Lacura. There are 3 different scents available, the names of all 3 escape me right now, I chose the one named 'Calm'. It doesn't have a bad scent. It has a sort of Citrus/Spicey smell about it. Anyway it seemed worth a go at £1.29 a 100ml bottle and leaves you feeling very refreshed. It has become my going to work aftershave, so I can save my more expensive ones for my time.

You can find Aldi in the states as well. It has been years since I have been in one... I'll have to stop by and check out if the have the same here.
So if you live near Montreal(in Canada of course) you can find them at Dollorama.

I've found a couple of good aftershaves at Dollorama in Toronto, all being about 50-70 mL and for only a buck.

i found an Asian kind of dollar store that have some boar shaving brush, ill go buy one tomorow and post pictures of that.

I have also seen similar brushes. The company that I saw was called Kraft, I believe. It was only a buck and change but I didn't think I needed it for myself (plus I'm a synthetic user)
They're cheap, and available in toronto as well, i tried a bottle of deep blue.

In my honest opinion, it smells like industrial chemicals, like paint thinner or something, and the dye is super concentrated. It burnt like hell, but once it wore off the menthol was a nice touch.

I'll stick with my av classic blue
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