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Got my Slant!!!

Ok, so my Slant Gold arrived in the post and I'm very satisfied. Like everyone had been saying it actually mows down everything in it's path effortlessly. By the way I'm using Feathers too.

It's different than say using the gillette slide technique with an HD. For some reason the geometry of the blade coupled with the angle makes it the perfect tool for cutting hair. I've so far found it to cause less irritation and general just get a closer and easier shave.

And don't worry about it being "dangerous" or anything. I haven't cut myself with it yet. It's just a really good razor; much better than my HD!!

Highly recommend!!
Another Slant convert here - seems to be the perfect razor for noobs like me cause no hand pressure at all is needed to slice through whiskers.
After you buy a slant, you wonder what took you so long!

+1. You then start thinking that one isn't enough.

And it doesn't help that they come in gold, chrome and there are two different Merkur handles.

And to make things even worse, Cooncatbob will design and make a custom handle for you.
That bottom knob comes off?

Sorry: I don't understand your question. The short handled slants are actually three piece razors, the bottom knob is held in place with a compression collar. If you want to pull the knob out for some reason, just pull it straight out. I wouldn't, but if there's a good reason to do it, then you can.

I don't know about the long handled ones.
Wow, it does come off, pretty easily. I did not know that.

Unfortunately, the knob for my Bostonian is a little too wide to fit. Threads are right, but oh well. :rolleyes:
Wow, it does come off, pretty easily. I did not know that.

Unfortunately, the knob for my Bostonian is a little too wide to fit. Threads are right, but oh well. :rolleyes:

When you put it back in, make sure that the collar is spread just a little bit, otherwise it may compress and you end up with a loose fit. I had one with a loose fit and the knob fell out, happily into my hand and so no damage, but it was a lesson.
I had to pinch it with my fingers while pushing it back in. It was quite springy, so it should stay put.

Thanks for the education! :smile: I really thought it would not come off easily, and was too scared to try previously
If I had gotten the Slant as my first razor, I would've been totally happy and never needed another one. It's the only razor I use now and gives me BBS shaves.
I have to admit the Slants intimidate me something fierce. I want to try one, but,,, Perhaps I will post a "seeking a test shave" and provide one from my quiver to another shaver. Does technique differ greatly with a huge learning curve compared to the other common razors used here i.e. Tech, Fatboy? Thanks.
I have to admit the Slants intimidate me something fierce. I want to try one, but,,, Perhaps I will post a "seeking a test shave" and provide one from my quiver to another shaver. Does technique differ greatly with a huge learning curve compared to the other common razors used here i.e. Tech, Fatboy? Thanks.

I had this same concern about a month ago. And no, the technique does not differ at all. Use it like you would any DE. Some say you should use a lighter touch (and you probably should if you use Feathers) but I haven't altered my technique and haven't nicked myself yet.

It's a great razor. Don't be intimidated by it. Just be mindful that the head twists the blade, presenting the cutting edge at a more efficient angle to mow down whiskers. I like to think that it maximizes the blade this way. But while it's aggressive, I've tried some open combs that are MORE aggressive and prone to nicking me. But the Slant is the best DE razor I've tried bar none.
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+1. You then start thinking that one isn't enough.

And it doesn't help that they come in gold, chrome and there are two different Merkur handles.

And to make things even worse, Cooncatbob will design and make a custom handle for you.

And don't forget the classic Hoffritz and others (Pomco?) made by Merkur. My Hoffritz is a beauty:tongue_sm
I have no need for another razor (well bar another slant if mine ever broke). It is amazing effortless shave each time.

What do people prefer the short handle or the barberpole? I have the short one and it works fine for me
1+ ,one of my faverotes ,use mine at least twice a week ,make sure blade alignment is even both sides and can't go wrong.one of mine i have taken the compression ring out , so now a 3 piece ,so easy to keep clean as well , :001_smile
If I had gotten the Slant as my first razor, I would've been totally happy and never needed another one. It's the only razor I use now and gives me BBS shaves.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's what I said when I got my HD Slant. Then I got the Barber Pole. Then I snagged a Futur...

I have no need for another razor (well bar another slant if mine ever broke). It is amazing effortless shave each time.

What do people prefer the short handle or the barberpole? I have the short one and it works fine for me

I prefer the heft of the Barber Pole! If only it came in gold, or the colored handles!
What is the difference in the slant and doing the Gillete slide? I currently do the Gillette slide even while buffing.

I think it's pretty much the same thing. But the it's not only the angle of the Slant its also the well set up geometry of the blade that makes it good. Plus it's like a gilette slide with much better control. I was a little sceptical at first but after trying I found it was different than jsut simply doing the gilette slide with and HD.

You'll have to try it for youself.
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