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Got my first gillette...Meh

I just got my hands on a Superspeed and a Red Tip thanks to Rockytop:biggrin:. I have shaved with both of them now and I have to say, the Red Tip was impressive but the superspeed wasn't all I expected. I started shaving with a Schick Krona and I say it out preforms the superspeed by a long shot. With the Krona it takes about 3 passes to get a BBS shave and with the superspeed it took 6. The Red Tip was better and only took 4 passes to get BBS but I'd still say the Krona was more aggressive. I'm just wondering why superspeeds get all the love, even when they are mediocre shavers?:confused:



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
This is a question of YMMV. I perfer a Superspeed to a RedTip. I think those are awesome little shavers. It's just a preference.
'Cause faces are different maybe? SS gives me BBS in three passes. Works for me.:wink: Not trying to be a smart aleck too much, but I think YMMV is always going to play a role in this type of thing...and don't forget the Super Speed LOOKS muy cool, too. :biggrin:

No matter, if your favorite razor isn't the flavor of the week, it's still your favorite razor, right?


My elbows leak
Staff member
What they said.
Each person has a different opinion. Lucky there's almost as many razor types as there are people.
The Krona is a nice shave. For me, it's the Red Tip, I love it.
If you think the razor question brings up differences, ask the group what is the "best" razor blade, LOL.
I just got my hands on a Superspeed and a Red Tip thanks to Rockytop:biggrin:. I have shaved with both of them now and I have to say, the Red Tip was impressive but the superspeed wasn't all I expected. I started shaving with a Schick Krona and I say it out preforms the superspeed by a long shot. With the Krona it takes about 3 passes to get a BBS shave and with the superspeed it took 6. The Red Tip was better and only took 4 passes to get BBS but I'd still say the Krona was more aggressive. I'm just wondering why superspeeds get all the love, even when they are mediocre shavers?:confused:


Welcome to the club. I don't think Gillette is all that. At least not worth the fuss the others make about them.
I have mostly Gillettes, but of all the Gillette's I've tried, I like the Aristocrat Junior and the Rocket HD the best. Interestingly, these are both UK made models.

I guess you just have to play around with various razors and find what works for you - whether Gillette or something else. Don't slam the SS because they don't work for you, because they do work extremely well for others.

I've tried the Blue tip and it's OK, but not my favourite. I acquired a SS and it is much better. When I can afford a red tip, I will get one - I may love it, I may hate it. Either way, I will enjoy the process of finding out what works for me.

Still, if you have that red-tip doing nothing and want to donate to a worthy cause, I would like first dibs!
Oddly, though I couldn't put on a full beard to save my life, I prefer aggressive razors.

My first DE was a '58 SuperSpeed. I went from that to a Slant Sledgehammer.

The SS soon felt as though I were shaving with a toy.

My Gillette loves now are the Red Tip, short comb NEW, and Fatboy on 8.

I still use the Slant but its place at the top of the rotation is shaky.
Yeah the only TTO gillettes I really like enough to use are the red tip and the adjustables. The rest, except for some UK models and the older 3 peice ones, are just too mild for me, which is the main reason I started with SE razors.
Even though I get my best shaves, consistently, with the Krona, I still give props to SS's. I have a collection and I like to shave with about half of them. But still, I have to keep the Krona in the rotation because it's such a lovely shaver.
Before you decide yea or nay regarding any razor, be sure to give it a proper chance (say two weeks or so). I honestly think that for many folks here razor preferences are more a matter of similarity to the first razor they learned to use (the one they took time and caution to learn) than anything else. But hey, YMMV. :smile:
Fair enough, I won't knock the SS anymore. But I am Keeping the Red Tip in my rotation, and I PIF'd the SS in a starter kit I gave to my brother.

Thanks for the Opinions,

The only Gillette I currently own is a super adjustable and so far I really like it. It just totally depends on the persons face and their beard type. Whatever works for one person may not work for another, it doesn't really mean the hardware is bad. Use what works.:001_smile
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