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Got my edwin jagger de89l very disapointed (see why)

i ordered this on amazon i got my parker 22r from them seemed legit but look what they sent me a mini edwin jagger de89 its smaller and weighs less then my parker 22r just for the hassle they are not getting the 5 blades back that they sent me. So now im going to order from a reliable source geo from shavenation all that waiting and i got a dworf razor lol atleast im getting my money back though
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Not sure why you are calling it a "mini" looks to be the right length for the EJ 89's. Yes it is shorter than a lot of the clunky Parkers, but it is more balanced.
I guess I understand why you're disappointed because you were looking for a razor with a long handle. There are many other options out there but none of the EJ DE89 models have a long handle. Perhaps consider a vintage Knack?
I'm wondering if the OP thinks the "L" in DE89L stands for long v. lined? If this is the case be prepared to get the exact same razor again.
You might want to have a look at the Muhle R89 Grande. It's the same head as your new EJ89, but the handle is longer (105mm vs 85mm)
Your razor looks fine. Most websites will list the dimensions of the razor, both of the handle alone and razor assembled for this reason. The EJ89 should be somewhere around 3.7 inches in length. How does yours measure out?

By the way, the EJ89 is a fantastic razor.
wow i think you guys are right i read the dimensions i just did not expect it to be so short so ill have a lined version and a smooth chrome version
wow i think you guys are right i read the dimensions i just did not expect it to be so short so ill have a lined version and a smooth chrome version

from geos video it doesnt look as small hey ill try it out let you know how it goes

Honest mistake. I'd try both versions and see which one you like. Whatever you don't like, just sell on the BST. EJ DE89's are popular around here, for good reason.
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