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Got a new toy in the mail yesterday

you 'mirin my new toys:


Just got my merkur 23c long handle in the mail yesterday along with a bunch of red personna blades. Unless someone has a better choice for an adjustable, im pretty sure that when I have enough money saved up for another razor that my next razor will be a merkur progress. I definitely don't need a slant bar because i have a very weak and slow growing beard and it would be too aggresive. But on the other hand, I dont want a tame-shaving piece of crap, but I do want something that can give me a BBS shave like the merkur HD can, I guess middle of the road. What are some good adjustables? Preferably with a long handle.

Here is my full collection btw:

'58 Gillette SS
Merkur HD
Merkur 23c Long handle

Shavemac silvertip brush
Omega badger brush

1 jar of tobs rose
1 Tube of CO Bigelo
1 tube of 1805
1 almost empty jar of TOBS Lavender
1 almost empty jar of Castle Forbes Lime
Tabac soap

bunches of red personna blades

1 bottle of gillete After-shave balm gel
1 bottle of Brut aftershave splash
1 bottle of aqua velva ice blue aftershave splash
1 bottle of nivea sensitive skin aftershave balm
1 bottle of nivea cooling aftershave balm

1 bottle of witch hazel

What do I need more of? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Lookin' good! I like my 23c and right now I'm using Derby blades and a rotation of different soaps/creams. Adj - I don't have a Merkur but do use a vintage super adj on occasion. Good things are heard about the Progress though! Enjoy.
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I would go for a vintage Gillette Slim before the Progress. A well cared for Slim will have 10x the build quality that the Progress does.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I love the 23C. It's one of the best razors for taming a Feather.
I love the 23C. It's one of the best razors for taming a Feather.

I'll be interested to hear your thoughts about how it shaves.
-- Chet

Ok, I shaved with it last night for the first time and if it were possible to fall in love with a razor, I fell in love with it immediately. I can't believe how much better I like it after just 1 shave. I used to sample merkur blade that came with it and the long handle and great weight distribution made it easy NOT to apply pressure. I cant wait to see how it does with a feather and a red personna. Feathers in my HD tear up my face.
The Merkur 23c is a great razor. It provides a really nice comfortable shave.

I would say that you need to get a Gillette NEW. That is the best razor IMHO.
Since you like long handles and are thinking about getting a Progress, you might consider the long handled progress. I have one and it was my favorite DE untill I switched to slant bars (which I don't feel are that aggressive).
Since you like long handles and are thinking about getting a Progress, you might consider the long handled progress. I have one and it was my favorite DE untill I switched to slant bars (which I don't feel are that aggressive).

I have the long mergress. It rocks. You should try it next.
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