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Good inexpensive coffee pot?....

Yeah....it looks like an amazing coffee maker...but did you read the thread title? Good INEXPENSIVE coffee pot!:biggrin:

As stated above- it does not exist.

Another option is a vacuum pot- very inexpensive and exceptional coffee-


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If you want good coffee get a French Press coffee maker. I have a single serving one at work makes good coffee out of bad coffee and excellent out of good coffee! They are not that expensive Bodum makes some nice ones.
If you want good coffee get a French Press coffee maker. I have a single serving one at work makes good coffee out of bad coffee and excellent out of good coffee! They are not that expensive Bodum makes some nice ones.

A review of the OP might be in order.


The wife's investment
I have an old stainless steel vacuum pot that I got at a thrift store for $2.75, which makes great coffee. I prefer the SS over the glass as it will not shatter. Ask around, I'm sure someone in the congregation can find one for you that will probably cost less than $20. Just make sure that any used vacuum pot has a good rubber seal.

I am not a coffee guru, but I find the coffee made in a vacuum pot is better than a French press and about as good as it gets without spending a great deal more. Vacuum pots are also fairly easy to clean, assemble and use. So, flavor points per dollar spent, my vote goes for the vacuum pot.
I want to say this up front, I am not a hard core coffee drinker, I enjoy a cup now and then. I have also read books such as Coffee For Dummies to learn how to make better coffee when I do drink a cup.
That being said here is what I would do in your case. You, like me are looking for value for the money, bang for the buck. You already have a max price set of $100 that you will spend but would rather not if you do not have to. Here is what I would do: Get a coffee pot from your local Walmart...in their basic form most all drip coffee makers work the same way, so what you are paying for is namebrand and styling. Get a decnt unit from Amazon for $25 or so, then get a couple of carafes to keep all the coffee warm and off the heating element. Amazon also has these for sale. Some things I have learned about coffee is to keep your coffee maker clean and do not keep the made coffee on the burner. Once it is made place it in the carafe to keep it warm. I hope this helps you and stays within your budget.
Check out the Newco OCS series, it is a bit above your budget but it sounds like it may fit your needs. SCAA approved and at about half the cost of a Technivorm though not as sexy. You do have to order it from the manufacturer. I recall some type of discount mentioned on coffeegeek.com, check there for particulars and reviews. Here is a link to the Newco site.


Check out the Newco OCS series ...

Wow, they look interesting. If I didn't already have a Technivorm I'd be seriously considering one of the Newco brewers. Seems they do not publish prices!

I did notice one interesting feature on one of their models:
  • Pre-infusion wets the coffee grounds to de-gas fresh roasted coffee in the basket so that the grounds may be evenly saturated during the brew cycle.
In my post above I mentioned I needed to fiddle with the water dispersal on the Technivorm and that is pretty much the reason why. But it does point me to a different solution -- perhaps adding a bit of water manually, before starting the brew, will be simpler.
Check out the Newco OCS series, it is a bit above your budget but it sounds like it may fit your needs. SCAA approved and at about half the cost of a Technivorm though not as sexy. You do have to order it from the manufacturer. I recall some type of discount mentioned on coffeegeek.com, check there for particulars and reviews. Here is a link to the Newco site.



I would say the OCS are the next best thing down from a Technivorm.

I will also suggest a kettle and manual drip. Get a size 6 cone, a 12 cup carafe and a good electric kettle. The best part is you control the whole process and can make sure it is brewed just the way you like it.
I've been researching for the same. In your case it might be good to have a coffee maker with a stainless steel carafe, vs. a glass carafe and a burner, to keep the coffee hot and fresh for at least a few hours. I think these machines typically start at $50.

For < $100, I would either get the Zojirushi Fresh Brew or one of the Cuisinarts with the thermal carafes. The Cloers also look interesting but are smaller (8 cups).

If I can spend a little more (like $140), I'll get a Capresso MT500. I'd love to get a Technivorm, but they're a little out of my price range...

I've also heard good things about the tastiness of the Krups Moka Brew, which is about $100.

I would avoid getting the kind of coffee maker with a grinder built in. We had one of these at work: the mess isn't worth the extra effort of having a separate grinder.
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