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good godrej cream.

I am from India.I never really tried a Indian shaving cream because I always went for gilette,But now I really want to try the old way of shaving with brush.So which Is the good godrej cream out there? I am interested in godrej Lime(small tube)
I may have to look into picking some of these up. From the reviews that I have seen, it looks like it performs like a high end shave cream. Seems to be inexpensive too. You have to like that.
I prefer the scent of the rich foam. The lime green smells a bit synthetic to me. They both perform great. I have not tried the menthol.
All three are top performers. The soap is decent too.

Lime Fresh is a bit synthetic smelling but it's a nice clean limey fragrance. Rich Foam is a deep "blue" musky cologne scent. Menthol Mist will freeze your face off.
I may have to look into picking some of these up. From the reviews that I have seen, it looks like it performs like a high end shave cream. Seems to be inexpensive too. You have to like that.

They don't lather quite as easily as the English creams but the lather they provide is thick and extremely dense and slick. They destroy wiry stubble.
They don't lather quite as easily as the English creams but the lather they provide is thick and extremely dense and slick. They destroy wiry stubble.
Thank you! I ordered some of the regular, (non-Lime/non-Menthol). I look forward to it getting here. It's being shipped from India. so I can't wait to try it out.
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