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Good, Better, Best Recommendations Needed

Greetings from Mendel & Gilligan,

I am finally considering taking the plunge into straight razor shaving. I am seeking your recommendations for good, better, and best recommendations of needed stuff (razor, strop, etc.) I know that YMMV and preferences are personal, I'm simply seeking your input.


I got moves like Jagger
My goofball 2 cents..... (Welcome to the dark side!)

Good(starter) - Whipped dog sight unseen
Better - BST
Best - out of my league

Good(starter) - Whipped dog
Better - Star Shaving
Best - Alas, this is also out of my league

Good(starter) - barbers hone, Norton 4/8k
Better/Best - YMMV, JNat, Coti, film, Naniwa etc.....
Don't worry, Gilligan! 'Whipped Dog' is just a name. Larry, from Whipped Dog, is actually a friendly and helpful guy. He won't hurt you. What he will do is sell exactly what your human needs in order to get started with straight razors.

Tell Mendel to order a sight-unseen razor and a poor man's strop kit from whippeddog.com, and that once he knows how to use the razor even a little bit, he'll be much better prepared to buy his first top-quality razor. Mendel should reward that piece of advice with a treat.

Also, tell him to check out the photo threads devoted to higher-end razors here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/180658-Straight-Razors-pictures-Look-in-here . Tell him that those razors are smart choices for when he's ready to buy something special. That's worth another treat. And a tummy rub.
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