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Gold Wash/Plating question

Hi all,

Current DE shaver looking to pick up my first straight.

Question, many new straights have gold wash/plating on the blade, spine, shank, etc. While quite attractive, is the wash/plating more of a hassle when it comes to maintenance of the straight?

I would think you would have to be very careful or the gold will get removed, etc. Is this the case or is it not really an issue?


I find using a gold plated straight is not more complicated than using one without gold plating. Maintenance is about the same. You just need to be a bit more careful when wiping it dry so you do not wipe down the plating. But you will not wipe the blade vigorously anyway.

You can not use any metal polish on the blade. That will remove the plating. Under normal circumstances you do not have to use any polishing agent unless you have to remove rust from the blade.
Personally, I think a gold wash blade is best for a display piece or a Sunday shaver. The gold will wear. You need to tape the spine when you hone and if you get any tarnish you can't use metal polish to get it off.
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