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Gold/rosegold replate is back! (pics)

I mentioned a while back that I was sending my 7 O' Clock British New and US New short comb heads with a Tech fat handle off to onotoman/RestoredRazors for replating. Gold caps, rose gold baseplates, and the Tech handle in gold.

Well, they are finally back! Wahooooooooooo! Pics -


I tried more pics on the purple velvet, but the colors just didn't come out right.

I was a little surprised by the rose gold - I was expecting something less pink and more coppery. It's a more subtle contrast in person compared to the red brass/brass that stripped News look like. I may like it better, but I'm not sure. I suspect that it will grow on me.

The plating quality is excellent, with no plating issues anywhere that I can see. A second surprise is that the plating doesn't obscure any detail - tiny defects or dents in the handle pre-plating are just as visible post-plating. A very nice job, but it certainly doesn't "cover up" any problem areas.

All in all, a darn nice pair of razor heads and handle. I wholeheartedly recommend onotoman for anyone interested in replating, and especially if you like the rose gold as to the best of my knowledge he is the only replater offering this currently. The only problem I ran into was the US Post Office trying to figure out where Tyne & Wear was on their computer system. :001_tongu

I can now compare my gold/rosegold razors to my Aristocrat in rhodium - I love how the gold looks. Just . . . nice.
Congrats to a very nice vintage razor. Nice touch with two kinds of gold.

Dave at RestoredRazors does a very nice plating job, without grinding the soul out of vintage razors. He doesn't buff off the old plating, he uses a chemical bath to strip it off.

Furthermore he doesn't use too much nickel beneath the gold. Nickel is there only to make sure the gold sticks. Nothing will block out the original details of a vintage razor.

And the results speak for them self:

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They both look amazing. Im thinking of gettin my slim replated in the future. It does look like the dogs.....
By the way, I think picture #2 (the first picture with a white background) captures the colors most accurately, for both rose gold and regular gold.
Wow. We have similar taste in razors but opposite taste in color. I would have everything Rhodium or Nickel and you are Gold all the way. Nothing wrong with that at all.

The quality of those replates is amazing. I have to say I am really drawn to the Rose Gold color. It has a unique quality that I can't quite put into words. I have a 41' Aristocrat that is my Dad's birth year. One day I would like to get it replated. I was thinking Nickel, but now I am thinking Rose Gold....I like it that much.

There is something very gratifying about putting together your own razors that you feel shave better than anything else. The NEW SC is an amazing razor. I have not had the pleasure of shaving with the 7 O'Clock. For some reason I thought you were having the Goodwill done too. I loved how your Goodwill looked with the diamonds sticking up through the cap.

Congrats on getting your razors back. They are beautiful.
I ended up not sending the Goodwill - it looks incredibly cool with the diamonds in the cap (the Canadian is arguably even cooler), but it doesn't shave quite as effectively for me (Old Type head) as the 7 O' Clock or the short comb. I wish it did. :tongue_sm

I still may end up getting it replated - a rose gold Goodwill baseplate with rose gold studs through a gold top cap would be nice.

The 7 O' Clock shaves as effectively as a short or long comb New, but is slightly more forgiving. Plus, the flat baseplate means I can use any handle with it. I really dislike the rib in the US New baseplates that prevents you from using different handles with thicker necks short of machining it.

Eventually, I will be getting my GEM Junior with the ornate handle done in gold from onotoman as well (and maybe a Damaskeene). That ought to look darn shiny!
I dislike the rib on the NEW base plate too when it comes to handles. The Otto Roth has a much wider spacing between the ribs than the standard NEW, so more handles fit. However, my short comb NEW is really narrow. Only the original handle will fit inbetween. However, I found something unexpected.

My favorite handle so far has been my Cadet handle, but it has a really wide neck, so it won't fit between any of my NEW ribs. However, on my NEW SC with the narrow spacing I just tighten it down on top of the rib. I did this one day just messing around. It still tightens down and locks the cap to the base plate very firmly. I was surprised it worked, but it did. So, that's an option for anyone with a NEW that thinks an aftermarket handle won't work because of the spacing between the ribs.
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