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Gold razor cleaning advice to give

Hi everyone I have a gillette gold tech that was pretty dirty looking . I had some gold/silver cleaning wipes you can buy from walmart in there jewelry section laying around. Decided to give them a try on the razor and walah its gold again no dirty marks on handle after only five minutes of habd polish.wish i knew how to post pictures to show but i recomend the wipes. Just wanted to share
Congrats on your cleanup, and FYI I saw your other thread and have asked a Mod to PM you. You should see something showing up in your inbox soon.

If you ever want to contact a Mod for a specific forum, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and there they are under "Forum Information and Options". :thumbup1:
a shame you forgot how to post pics (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/325805-First-antique-razor-find!). what brand were the wipes?

congrats on discovering the technique!


edit - I've been searching trying to find a topic/wiki on how to post pics but couldn't find one - maybe someone else can help.

I have posted pics several times myself and all you need to do is select the 'insert image' icon from the Quick Reply toolbar then 'from computer' then 'select files'. once you have chosen your pics and their names appear in the file/size box then you simply select 'upload file/s' and it/they will be in your post. you can also test out the process in this section if you want to => http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/22-Post-Testing-Area
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Heres an after picture it use to have all that nasty black on the handle kinda all over
Scrubbing Bubbles and Barbicide are fine to use. MAAS is a no no. It will polish the gold plating right off. But, Windex glass cleaner works great as a finishing touch, instead, with gold.
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